Help Ph balance is too low in soil

Istayz High

Well-Known Member
What up! I just bought a Ph tester and my soil reads in the 3-4. what is the proper ph balance and how do i get it there?


Well-Known Member
If you can,,, go to your local hydro store and get ph up,, it is not expensive and you need it... Ive had plenty of ph problems and I found after trying a few dif. things that there is no substitute for ph up and ph down its worth every penny. I hope this helps.............. your ph should be between 6 and 7, but not higher................


Well-Known Member
I dont know that,,, I mean go to the hydro store and explain what medium you grow and they will set you up,,, Im not sure if same ph up and down for both hydro and soil..... does this make sense,,, sorry, just toked...........


Active Member
Ph up is the same thing for hydro and soil. the lime isnt lime the fruit, but lime stone. (CAL and MAG = ph up = limestone)

I toked too....hope that helped!


Well-Known Member
tap water is usually good for soil as it is usually just over 7, good ph for soil is 6.8-7.2
no bad advice unless u mean after u let it sit out for 48 hours. u can even go to ur pet store and they will have ph up and ph down. u can even get a ph test kit form there as well

and ph for soil should be between 6.3 and 6.8 but 7 is neutral so 7 is good to good luck


Active Member
yes letting it sit def get rid of some chlorine, but to be honest i dont have a garbage can full of water in my condo and my girls are thirsty bitches! Never noticed any harm being done, although my city's water is the best in the state, we were on the front page :) and yes pet stores, even wallly mart u can get some ph up/down........ the 6.8-7.2 advice i remember from my reading in jorge's bible, but my memory aint what it used to be :)