Help passing meps


New Member
Ok so I’m joining the marines, and I’ve been smoking weed since may but the month of August I kind of didn’t smoke for a few days and sometimes not much but I haven’t smoked in about 5-6 days and I’m 5’5 and I weigh about 127 but I have a very high metabolism how long would it take for the weed to get out of my system. I’m freaking the hell out man
Ok so I’m joining the marines, and I’ve been smoking weed since may but the month of August I kind of didn’t smoke for a few days and sometimes not much but I haven’t smoked in about 5-6 days and I’m 5’5 and I weigh about 127 but I have a very high metabolism how long would it take for the weed to get out of my system. I’m freaking the hell out man
Drink 8 gallons of vinegar.
I'd say a minimum of a couple weeks of abstinence. Residual testing varies because of body fat, high BF% results in longer positive test results.
Ok so I’m joining the marines, and I’ve been smoking weed since may but the month of August I kind of didn’t smoke for a few days and sometimes not much but I haven’t smoked in about 5-6 days and I’m 5’5 and I weigh about 127 but I have a very high metabolism how long would it take for the weed to get out of my system. I’m freaking the hell out man
Remember that’s the last of it. I was a urinalysis coordinator in the military. Random and frequent drug test I had to kick too many out due to it. You should be good though run and drink water you’ll be fine. Be safe out there.

I'm glad that you want to enlist and defend our country , but stop fucking around .
This is a major commitment on your part . Get motivated and do it right.
Semper Fi
Bro, I did service. You need 30 days clean before you piss for those tests.
If you fuck this one up, kiss your dreams good-bye.
stop smoking, it's that simple. or simply tell the recruiter to set you up for the next month. you ain't joined yet, he can't say shit and will do it if he wants another recruit.