Help our plants look like shit!!!


Active Member
Just cause someone on Rollitup told you to put something in your plants does not mean it will help you.

You need to give us a LOT more information if you want some reasonable advice, stuff like soil, seeds/clones, lighting, temps, watering and feeding schedules, nutrients used, etc. Once you get some good advice, RESEARCH IT to see if it makes sense before you do it.

Chances are that you did not have a magnesium deficiency, and that by adding more magnesium you've injured your plant. At this point I could only recommend flushing your plants with a lot of plain water, letting the pots dry out over a few days, and see how they react.


Active Member
Just cause someone on Rollitup told you to put something in your plants does not mean it will help you.

You need to give us a LOT more information if you want some reasonable advice, stuff like soil, seeds/clones, lighting, temps, watering and feeding schedules, nutrients used, etc. Once you get some good advice, RESEARCH IT to see if it makes sense before you do it.

Chances are that you did not have a magnesium deficiency, and that by adding more magnesium you've injured your plant. At this point I could only recommend flushing your plants with a lot of plain water, letting the pots dry out over a few days, and see how they react.

Totally true...whenever you have stuff going on with the plants, always best to flush stuff away since it's usually that you OD'd on the nutes

too much nutes = not good

Just like you don't want to down an entire bottle of vitamins, you shuoldn't give your plants too much of anything

sure, it's a delicate dance to find out what the plants you're growing like, but it's worth it in the end...

try the water flush to see how that goes and next time, use half strength nutes...
