Help on growing in the UK

Thanks alot phoenix :D

yeah if you could put up a couple of pics for me to look at that would be great, :D :P

Two pics for you of reveg plants after indoor harvest>

One shows just what to leave on, this pic was taken right after harvest....thats all you need do.

Other close up shot shows another reveg after 18 days of 20/4 light.... you can see all the new (bright green) growth coming back again. Note the characteristic blades of the leaf at this stage, no serrated edges, often twisted etc. Also note shes still sputting out some pistils at this stage, that will graduallyy stop as she reverts to full vegetative mode again by a round 4/5 weeks when she will begin new fans, 3 blades then 5 etc. Give me a week and I'll add another pic to show how this works?

You need nothing fancy to reveg a cannabis palnt, a single 10watt 6500k (daylight) CFL in the corner of a room will do fine, let the sunlight in on good days etc and she will reveg no problem indoors.

Outdoors its just a matter of planting out in late April/May when the days are getting long.

Hope this helps.


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I live in the north of england too first thing is make sure that not one person tells anyone else about your crop no matter how trustworthy you think they are.i'm going to start my plants off at the end of april get them to a few inces high3/5.then i'm going to take my plants to the spot that i have found i put some compost and perlite with some sea weed exstract in a week or so before i take the plants take some bags on reccies now unless you have got your spot sorted put the bags on the floor with bricks on each corner this will kill any vegatation under the bag you can put compost and perlite a little seaweed exstract in the ground.plant has near to water has possible sparsly plant your plants less chance of getting found.prep the ground put the bags back over till your plants are ready to go.But i would start your plants off at home get them up to has big has you can before you put them in in the ground make sure that you take allthe bottom stems off [lollypop]this will aid in beating your 2nd worst enermy 1 enermy people 2 slugs the little fuckers get everywhere.I would put some slug pellets around each plant visit them 2 times a week for 1st week get some feed in then give them a good water.Iuse the slow release pellets and i also use seaweed exstract.then 1 after that if they look ok after that leave them be up north we have plenty of rain so we don't need to worry about watering has much.You have already choose your seeds but i would have gone for a strain like white rhino this plant is realy resistant to mould.
I really hate to think of all those lovely plants with so much potential left in them being dumped when they can be stuck in a hole in April/May and left to get on with it! This is the time of year for 'indoor' growers to be planning ahead to think what you will have around mid April/May....whats to lose, in my experience 9 out of 10 harvested plants will revert to vegetative growth again in around 3/4 weeks, so from say mid June onwards she's back growing fast and furious again in full veg mode, this gives her a good 10-ish weeks of full veg growth before she flowers again.

An 8" stump planted in April/May will become a 6 foot bush in full flower by end of September. Maybe we should start a thread for anyone who wants to try this?

Recycle your plants :-)
ive never had an indoor grow eithr but ive had a word with my friend and he agreed to give me a couple of his northern lightts plants after hes harvested them
you guys have totally inspired me im going to get myself out this weekend and do a few reccy visits, i have a few Q's tho

should i plant it with any particular direction like should i be putting my plant so its getting easterly sunshine or the other way?

what are the pros n cons of using say a tomato grow bag or digging a hole to put a big pot in?


im from going to be doing my first grow when i go uni..but thats going to be an indoor grow..

my uncle up the road from me does an outdoor grow every year..he has been doing it for the past 5+ years now..
his grow area in the garden is around 15x5 ft..ill try getting pics next time im around his house..
When we had the snow a few weeks back i was out at 8am looking for a spot, my growing skills i would say are at their peak atm, i've been doin this for 7yrs but never have i grown anything outdoors, i know to stick them out when the last of the ground frosts have gone so around mid to end of april, that way they get veg time outside aswell.

The cuts im using will be taken today so they should be quite big before they even see daylight but my only concerns are how to fortify the ground with nutes, i got some buddies down Portsmouth way that do it every year and don't even touch the ground, they just turn it over and plant away but i wanna do it properly maybe even bury polypots in the ground and fill them with Atami Kilomix so they got all the food they need.

Oh yeah im looking at sticking 40-50 out there so watch this space fella's, the strains in my sig are what will be used.
alrite mateys, all this talk about outdoor growing is gettin me excited, fuk it im doin one too lol,
u ppl think that a pot 9inches wide and 11inches deep will produce a decent plant? ill germinate it at the start of april and put it outside in my garden at the end of april... any thoughts?
Buy yourself a few buckets the ones builders use there a pound cut the bottom out of it then take it to where your going to grow.look for a hard to get to piece of river i often use waders find a nice peaceful place a tip is make sure the water is shallow a few ince deep that way it is too shallow for fishermen dig the soil where you intend to plant put the bucket ontop of the dug soil.Back pack enougth soil in to fill the bucket fill bucket plant the clone that you have got going is a good idea to put your clones out for a few hours a day to climeatise before takeing to grow area.tie some chicken wire around your plants rabbits love weed.put slug pellets around the bottom of the want to visit 2 times to water first week then 1 the following week then leave em be they will get water from rain fall and will pull water up from the river.never plant cannabis on your own property this is a sure way to get busted.The more often that you visit the plants the more chance that you have of been followed or someone seeing you remember this is a milatary operation and all gurilla armys go in some do what they have too then get the hell out of there then go back when plants are ready too seal victory.
You never seem to hear about outdoor grows being busted in the UK is this because not alot of people do it? ive never heard about anyone having a gurilla grow in the UK untill i joined this site, i guess it becaue people dont want other people finding their grows thats y. i was watching soemthing on TV the otherday, it was showing a police strike force busting massive marijuana fields in america think it was california, these farmers had about 200 Tree like marijuana plants i was shocked:O ALso could someone let me know a very easy and simple method of germinating seeds?
You never seem to hear about outdoor grows being busted in the UK is this because not alot of people do it? ive never heard about anyone having a gurilla grow in the UK untill i joined this site, i guess it becaue people dont want other people finding their grows thats y. i was watching soemthing on TV the otherday, it was showing a police strike force busting massive marijuana fields in america think it was california, these farmers had about 200 Tree like marijuana plants i was shocked:O ALso could someone let me know a very easy and simple method of germinating seeds?

Put seeds in a cup of water for 12-24hrs, then remove and put in a wet paper towel inside a sealy bag/ziplock bag for 12-24hrs, by then they should have cracked or you will see the split where its starting to crack, plant tap root facing down, piece of piss.
Put seeds in a cup of water for 12-24hrs, then remove and put in a wet paper towel inside a sealy bag/ziplock bag for 12-24hrs, by then they should have cracked or you will see the split where its starting to crack, plant tap root facing down, piece of piss.

Cheers mate :)

would you or anybody else know if autoflowering seeds will grow outdoors??
In my experience autos dont do as well outdoors as indoors BUT plenty use them outdoors!

Thing with growing in the great outdoors is that the plants get plenty of veg time so you get big plants and big yields...plant in April/May and you're still looking at finishing flowering early October -ish!

Alternative is to force flower of course..... all you need do is cover with an upside down plastic bin or similar for 12 hours each evening, whatever fits around your daily routine, say uncover at 8am recover at 8pm...again -ish... give or take 20 minutes each way dont affect them in my experience. This way you can flower during the height of summer and man do they love that summer sun! I did this last year with two plants, shoved em in the loft at 8pm and got them back out at 8am as an experiment, got 3 oz dry of beautiful prime buds from my two plants so well worth doing it.

Last year around here they caught a grow force flowering as above but on a BIG scale, 250 plants being moved in and out of lightproofed shed on a farm in mid summer. Spotted by helicopter! Lesson there to be learned!

So you got:

Autos, small yields outdoors,

Force flowering, so you flower during height of summer, bit labour intensive, good with a couple of plants.

Natural outdoors, long vegging period but wont flower until Sepetember, big yields but you have to judge harvest time carefully if things turn very wet late on.

Dont forget those indoor plants being harvested April/may.... stick them outside and they WILL reveg for a second harvest that year.