HELP!! Not sure What is wrong with plant!!!


New Member
Hey Everyone this is my first post & in dire need of help. My 4week old Afghani lowryder & Royal Bluematic are discolored and seems like it's dying. Not too sure what is the issue... calcium, Nitrogen, or nute burnt? or something else. Also the leaves growing under the fan leaves are coming in twisted?? not sure, but I just changed the water & nutes so the ph is leveled & transplanted my Bluematic from hydroponic to soil. Its growing in a aerogarden extra but with a MH 600wattt. please help!


Well-Known Member
looks like a nute burn to me are you watering them with nutes everyday if you are stop it from what i've been doing/ what i've been told and heard only use nutes every 2nd watering and make sure there very deluted for a plant that size (small plant small amount of nutes needed) if i was you i'd let the soil dry then water with ph balenced water and see what happens


Well-Known Member
and if your not using nutes it could be a nitrogen problem in that case what has worked for me is to use a nitrogen rich nute i use mg 12-4-8 and i delute it more then they say to and i watered them with it and left them alone for 4 days and they had twice the amount of growth they did before see these pics 5 days apart IMAG1160.jpgIMAG1159.jpgIMAG1175.jpgthe yellowed leaves might not come back you can snip them off if you please but a 1/2 damaged leaf still obsorbs light which is why i desided to keep mine


New Member
Yea, but I'm not sure what to do atm. Since I replaced the water and added 2ml to a gallon instead of 8ml of nutes, you think that'll do the trick?
Not a pro by any means but it looks like you are using a soil mixture. What kind of soil are you using? Most soils should have enough nutes for a couple weeks to a month depending on the mixture. Just my 2cents.


New Member
It's just an organic mixture from my buddy. Just a quick attempt to save my plants and give more room for my afghani, which is still in the aeroponic. I'm not too sure exactly how much nutes to give my plant when my mixture says only in terms of 3/4pod 8ml 6/7pods 12ml. since its 1 plant in a gallon, I believe maybe 2ml now? just need some feedback if I'm fixing this issue or making a dumb move.


Active Member
Hun-- when you start out a plant in hydro- the roots acclimate by changing how they uptake nutrients and grow "differently" than soil-grown roots. Transplant them to soil, and they have a hard time with uptake....

They look either locked-up or underfed-- like I said, POSSIBLY due to the transplant...
you said you adjusted the ph... to what? it is not the same as you would use in hydro... you mix your nutes w/ the water then adjust the pH to 6.5-7.0

The soil could even be the issue... what brand is it? Some are pH balanced with dolomite lime- others are not, and some are very acidic....

At this point... without more info- the only suggestion would be to flush with water adjusted to a pH of 6.8 then let it drain and add a quart of the nute solution you use for the age of the plant... also adjusted to 6.8

Make sure she doesn't have any water/nute solution on her leaves before you put her back under the lights.

Good Luck!!!


Well-Known Member
looks like a nute burn to me are you watering them with nutes everyday if you are stop it from what i've been doing/ what i've been told and heard only use nutes every 2nd watering and make sure there very deluted for a plant that size (small plant small amount of nutes needed) if i was you i'd let the soil dry then water with ph balenced water and see what happens
He said that he was in Hydro,your referencing feeding in soil. If I am reading the Op's post correctly this was an issue in Hydro and the switch to soil was an attempt to fix. I agree with Lady Z this was the incorrect move.


New Member
Yea, but it was a mistake to place both plants into my 1gallon hydroponic system or I'd be watering it 2 times a day and the ph would never be stable. I'm ok with the fact the soil one may die, but it's growing ok in it now. BUT the one I'm main concerned with is my hydro AFGHANI.
I just ordered a 6slot 5gallon hydroponic system to start my sour D and use the aeroponic system for cloning (graphing).
I just swithched my feeding to 3ml per gallon now, the plant isn't discoloring much anymore, but is still drooping over.... add more or wait a week to see??

I always dreamt of growing my own plants since I was 13, now being 23 & have my own place its time for my dreams to take flight.
I would/do greatfully appreciate everyones help. I'll update how they look now. & any comments of what to do please feel free!!
Well the 2nd round of pics definitely look better than the first!
no wait?.. no they don't they look the same!

no wait wait again.. I doubled checked (side by side) they are different photo`s :p I can tell... hmmmmmm... what about if you put that plant which is in the soil, back into a hydro setup? really that is a question for the professional here to answer. But I am asking!

Lady Zandra said something about the roots adapting to hydro? So then maybe you should put it back? The afgani plant survived after all, didn't it?


New Member
Well the 2nd round of pics definitely look better than the first!
no wait?.. no they don't they look the same!

no wait wait again.. I doubled checked (side by side) they are different photo`s :p I can tell... hmmmmmm... what about if you put that plant which is in the soil, back into a hydro setup? really that is a question for the professional here to answer. But I am asking!

Lady Zandra said something about the roots adapting to hydro? So then maybe you should put it back? The afgani plant survived after all, didn't it?
YEA the Afghani is doing way better now. still slightly drooping over, but I'm going to add another 1ml to see if that'll be the trick. (making it 4ml everytime I flush & refill)
SUPRISINGLY the Bluematic in the soil is looking very good & now growing into its next node(s).

There is hope after all & just for the hell of it I started a random seedling to grow. After-all I have enough wattage might as well put em to use.

After my trial-n-error I will get my new hydroponic setup and start my sour d clone those. (maybe plant the so called "60 day wonder" seed I got for free with my afghani & bluematic.....I had a +Speed but it died). Any tips for my grow will be greatly appreciated still guys. *LEARNING* lol
plus I'm kinda low on money to go and buy top notch tools. but I do have a good setup



Well-Known Member
Looks like eutrophication. Looks identical to how some of mine looked, actually. Eutrophication is when overfeeding leads to necrosis in the older tissues, where nute burn affects new growth.

I think your best course of action would've been to just water for about a week, although some of those leaves look like they aren't coming back from the funk--not at 100% anyways.

Eutrophication can also lead to lockout of certain elementa. That looks like nitrogen deficiency in the second couple of pics in op


Just my two cents, but this grow seems to be overly complicated for a process that is relatively simple. Often, the biggest mistake is to jump the gun and over-correct and make things worse. First of all, PH changes need to be made gradually over weeks. Flipping from hydro to soil is generally not a fix for anything. This being said, you need to KNOW exactly what's in your soil before making any kind of transplant. At this point the plant is so confused, it is most likely in shock and is going to be stunted - at least for a week or two. I would simply keep them in a very neutral soil and give them nothing but water until they start growing again. But, find out what's in your soil mix for sure and make sure it's not to hot and let the plants adjust to teir new environment. Be patient and don't over think or act to quickly. Just a proper soil mix and plain water is almost always enough to save any plant. Once they get growing again (measurably) you can start feeding at a 25% mixture and gradually increase an additional 10% at a time until you correct mixture is found.


New Member
Your 2 cents are really valuable here *allthumbs, & THOR too!. Today I checked up on the lil ladies & definitely looking way better! thanks for the tips! I'm taking this as a lesson learned & will know what to do next time. Right now these are autoflowers & I will be starting Sour D relatively soon, so when that happens I will need all the '2cents' I can get lol. This is why I love talking to fellow growers!


Active Member
The rust color on the leaves look like a P. def. I had once, but that usually only occurs in flowering. What nutes are you giving her and how often are u giving it to them?


New Member
The rust color on the leaves look like a P. def. I had once, but that usually only occurs in flowering. What nutes are you giving her and how often are u giving it to them?
Aerogarden seedling,vegitative, & flowering nutes. ph-adjusting so Its not much an issue ph wise. I had 3 plants in my reservoir and took them out once I noticed my Afghani was going to take up the space so thats how this problem occured. Now it's all looking much better I'm just configuring the perfect amout for 1 plant in a 1 gallon reserve.