Help -- no water for two days.


OK -- got two autoflowers about 6 weeks from germ going in a PC Case. CFLs, small pots, but just trying to learn and produce some for personal consumption.

Unexpectedly had to go out of town for 2 days; thus, they were not watered. Looked pretty bad when I returned. Droopy, yellowing, etc.

1. Other than watering and hoping for the best, anything I can do to make them bounce back?

2. If they don't make it, will I still have smokable bud in the flowering spots even if there were 2 weeks from harvest? Or an I effed? Will the THC concentration be diminished, or just yield?

3. Anyone have any good auto-watering techniques in case I get caught in a jam like this again?

Thanks in advance. I looked in the moisture stress thread for about an hour, but couldn't find an answer.


Active Member
2 days isnt thay bad really,specially under cfls,
if they drooping and yellowing then sounds more like over watering and over ferting.

i really wudnt be watering everyday, the roots need oxygen and dnt need to be constantly moist.

wat soil u using?
how often u watering anyway?
wats ferts and how often u using them?


Thanks for the replys. Soilless mix. Jack's classic nutes. 1/4 teaspoospoon per gallon.

It seems to get dry quick when they really try to grow/flower. 18/6 light schedule.

Will this hurt my potency? This is my first grow. One in a nice Lowlife AK-47 that was doing so well. Tons of bud sites. The other was a Nirvana Short Rider that grew really quick but struggled under the same circumstances -- no idea why.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
the biggest noob mistake anyone make is the overwatering and over ferting, think most prob did it on first grows.
just try to leave them alone and get on with it.

some pics would really help this, get some pics up and they can be diagnosed to a better degree.


Here are some crappy pics. Sorry, I had to snap them with my phone while I pretended to get dog food from the basement (wife would not approve).

My mix is soilless = no nutes, right?

I assumed my nutes mix (Jack's Classic) was made for plants in soil; thus, over-nuting seemed unlikely, especially b/c I was using less than recommended.

The AK47 was doing well until the lack of water. The Nirvana Short Rider was having problems before the lack of water.

Both should be 2-3 weeks from harvest (60-70 days). The bud sites look just fine, especially on the Short Rider -- which is amazing b/c the rest of the plant looks so sick.

Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
those bad girls are nute poisoned, water em with strait water for a couple of weeks and if they can they will bounce back.