HELP!!!!!!!! newb needs nute suggestions

im a first time grower who needs nute suggestions. i have 8 outdoor bagseeds growing. (whats left of like 30 some odd seedlings) my plants are spindly and not doing too hot. ive lost quite a few too them bending and dying i have whats left of them staked up i only used composted horse poo so far and its been awhile since then. im looking for something to give them too help them out im sure the roots are fine as i had to replant them after they stretched so theres quite a bit buried that now has roots so i need serious above ground help. i also live in the middle of nowhere so ive pretty much got to get it at walmart pls help. i dont want to lose my last few ladies

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Not sure what they sell at wal-mart, but wouldn't use mircle grow. I would look for something made for tomatoe plants. Go easy at first, maybe 1/4 strength then step it up until you know the plant can take it. Do they sell alaska bloom there?
idk havent really looked around yet. quite frankly im not even sure what im looking for. i kno at this point in the year most growers are adding things to make there buds start or make them bigger(neither of which id mind) however im concerned for ther strutcure i want them to thicken up and become hardier before i focus on the buds if you kno what i mean lol


Active Member
Honestly ive been using super thrive and miracle grow since day one and they seem to love it. At this point theyre growing about 1-2inches per day. I havent ph'd the water or anything and theyre very healthy. Those two nutes can be purchased at walmart


Well-Known Member
pics would help tremendously, i would repot in fresh soil, thats worked for me, fresh soil to the rescue


Well-Known Member
if they are spindly growth they aren't getting enough direct sunlight or not long enough please. Also, how big of containers are the plants in? or are they in the ground....?
im a first time grower who needs nute suggestions. i have 8 outdoor bagseeds growing. (whats left of like 30 some odd seedlings) my plants are spindly and not doing too hot. ive lost quite a few too them bending and dying i have whats left of them staked up i only used composted horse poo so far and its been awhile since then. im looking for something to give them too help them out im sure the roots are fine as i had to replant them after they stretched so theres quite a bit buried that now has roots so i need serious above ground help. i also live in the middle of nowhere so ive pretty much got to get it at walmart pls help. i dont want to lose my last few ladies
Have you tried growing a plant with no nutes? It’s much easier to over fertilize a plant then to under fertilize a plant. If you started with 30 and are down to 8 I think you may be using too much nutrients and or may have planted in soil that is to “hot”. Try and do a grow with little to no nutrients just good amended soil, once you get that down try and find away to improve.


Well-Known Member
If you really want to do a grow on the cheap you can get Schultz all purpose plant food at the hardware store for under 5$. It's not gonna
stand up to the more expensive stuff from hydro stores buts It's better then MG. Also i just got a 1lbs free sample from and supposedly you can use it for Veg+Bloom and it was free so I'm psyched to try it out. Drop them an Email I'm sure they will send you out a free sample.


Well-Known Member
Schultz All Purpose is good stuff man. I'd use it again if I had to. But yeah, pics please. I'm guessing it is at least partly a light situation.


Well-Known Member
With only walmart at your fingertips, I'd say it's time for a Miracle Grow! Good luck.
I disagree. At walmart you can find all the ingredients for a good mix. Sphagnum peat moss, Perlite, blood meal, bone meal, and earthworm castings.