Help!! New Grower from Europe!

HIgh everyone!

Im starting up, and would REALLY appreciate help from experienced growers!

The seeds i will be using is either:

a)Sensi seeds Big Bud(buying from Attitude Seedbank), or
b)Flying Dutchmens Dame Blanche(buying from Attitude Seedbank)

If anyone has any experience from one or both of these seeds your input would be warmly welcomed!
The aim is high yield!

Next step is Equipment, which is whereI really need help:

1) Where to buy(that ships worldwide)
2) What I should buy: (Supplements, nutrients, electronic equipment, etc..)

Thanks alot!


hey dont have any exp growing those strains as im on my first grow myself but im done a Major amount of research and picked up abit when picking a stain to grow it depends how much space you have and how many plants altho you can teach most plants to grow in whatever area your using diff strains have diff difficulty lvls to grow big bud is a good beginner strain norm htc lvl's 8-15% which is kinda low but not low and it should be a all round stoney high, dont know much about the other strain so cant help you on that one sorry, I would make sure to get fem seeds either way ya dont want to waste all you time growing a plant then throw it out for being a dick :P

ok equipment what size space are you using and where is the space does it need to be silent ? sorta need to know the size to know what to get
Hi mate,

Its in my own house, growing in one of the bigger rooms, money is not a problem, just unsure what to get and where to get it!
me and a friend growing together, he's been in the trade for awhile, knows alot of people, we have a sponsor, and just need the list of things to buy and where to get 'em!

btw, ordered Ryan Rileys ebooks if you know what that is! :-)


I personal prefer to buy equip from normal growing shops as i like to be able to bring it back without any probs you can also buy from online sites which will save abit of money but make to check exactly what is it that your buying and thats its plug and play equipment, if ya dont want to have to wire it up yourself the grow lights you will need depend on your grow space and ventilation cause ya dont want it to get too hot 70-85 is ok humidity makes a diff too but thats alot easier to alter, what size space is it in square foot ?, basicly =the more light you give the plant the better but more light = more heat. atm im using a 250w mh (6500k light spectrum grow phase bulb) for a 3x3ft space going to add more light when flowering as they need alot more light when there flowering up to twice as much for great results. the more light you use the better ventalation you will need so not to burn the plants
I would suggest growing it soil since its your first grow as its more forgiving than hydro there are tons of soil mixes i would suggest using light-mix from seed till 2nd true leaves come threw then transplant them to all-mix google them you see what i mean, anyways im skipping ahead here first what size square foot will your space be ? will you be able to use ventalation from outside the room or does it all need to keep hidden ?