HELP!!!? NEW GROWBOX/WIT FLRSCNT LIGHTS, what light cycle should i use?


my seeds are about to pop and i have my box set up, what is the best light cycle, three flourescent lights, stealthy 2-3 feet box


Well-Known Member
the first thing u will see when reading up on mj is the light cycle. u want it atleast 16hrs of light a day , i go 18/6 some people go 24/7 for the first 2 weeks but its not worth keeping them on 24/7 longer then that.


the first thing u will see when reading up on mj is the light cycle. u want it atleast 16hrs of light a day , i go 18/6 some people go 24/7 for the first 2 weeks but its not worth keeping them on 24/7 longer then that.

Thanks man, woke up today n they were popped lol, i think ima go 18/6 i gotta buy a timer too... i'll keep posts on here, thank again man


Thanks man, woke up today n they were popped lol, i think ima go 18/6 i gotta buy a timer too... i'll keep posts on here, thank again man

P P P P P . SSSSS . does it matter that i don have intake/outtake fans, its not air proof or anything, and i know it will smell, but will it damage/stunt my plants?