Help needed ... what have i done wrong


Active Member
Hi, been browsing this site for a few days after stumbling across it and i have to say its brill so i have joined and hope someone can help, i have a couple of plants on my 1st attempt at growing that have problems and any input would be appreciated. They are under a 600w sunmaster hps bulb in veg, i know from reading here its the wrong type of bulb and will replace it with a mh when i can get one, temp is 76 and rh is 65%, there is an ocillating fan in the room also. one is in soil and perlite mix and for food i'm using miracle grow plant food ph'd to 7, ec is 12 and gets water every 2 days and food every 2nd water. Other is in dwc and gets bioponic grow nute at 14ec and ph'd to 5.8 Hope i've given enough info but if you need anymore just let me know.



Active Member
So whats causing the yellow on the leaves in the soil and the brown burnt leaves in the dwc, light is approx 24" away from plants by the way.


Well-Known Member
you said u water it every 2 days, u should water it every 3-4 days, so u might be having a over water problem. 2 days is to much


Active Member
If i drop the watering to 4 days would i feed each time or still feed every 2nd watering, thanks for the quick response by the way :)


Well-Known Member
feeding it each time is not a problem but do it and see what happens, dont over feed it tho, no problem


Active Member
I just started growing in an aerogarden about 2 weeks ago, and just noticed today that the stem to one plant is beginning to have a build up of some kind of white substance crusted on it. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I just started growing in an aerogarden about 2 weeks ago, and just noticed today that the stem to one plant is beginning to have a build up of some kind of white substance crusted on it. any suggestions?
does it look liek its peeling from the stem, if it does then its the stems (skin) peeling of and growing bigger...but if its like white craps on it then it might be mold :o


Active Member
no i dont think its peeling, i touched it and it came off on my fingers, its a dry crusty texture. I used bottled spring water so i dont think its calcium, if its mold how would i go about getting rid of it?


Active Member
When you say the EC is 12 and 14, do you mean 1.2 and 1.4? If not, then you are burning the hell out of your plants. I think you probably need to do some serious flushing on them and use way way less fertilizer.


Active Member
Dont mean to be a pain ecabraisas but could you post your own thread about your problem as i get an email telling me someone has replied and when i check it out they're answering your problem not mine :)


Active Member
Not yet mate, will take some tomorrow and post here, i've dropped the ph to 6.5 now so we'll see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
ur feeding miracle grow.. wot strength are you give them. you may want to switch your nutes fox farm is very good.miracle grow is not the best for cannabis. and flush!


Active Member
Thx for the heads up on the nutes, is fox farms available in the uk or can someone recommend a good substitute. How often should they be flushed and roughly how much water should i use, they are in 3 gallon tubs.


Active Member
Here are some more pics, nutrient changed in dwc and ph is 5.8 ec is 1.2
Changed wate and food ph to 6.5 for the soil grow, seems better but still got yellowing on tips of new growth, might have to wait a bit longer for changes to kick in.

