help needed please


Active Member
Hi everyone. I'm a fairly new member here and have been reading the information on this sight religiously for the last month. There is so much to obtain!

Anyways, I've set up a grow area in my closet and everything is going great with my three day old, healthy looking plant. My objective for this project is to grow a short, thick plant with moderate yields. (keep in mind this is only my objective. Being a first time grower, i realize it may not happen. It's good to set goals though)

As for my inquiry....I need some tips on the best ways to fatten up my stem at this early stage of development. The plant looks very healthy, but I'm a little worried about the thickness of the stem, and stretching is the last thing i need. I'm confident my lighting is were I need it to be at this moment (directly above my plant). I might just be paranoid, but any advice will help.

Thanks a lot for entertaining me and helping me discover a new hobby RIU!


Well-Known Member
Welcome, n oscillating fan blowing a gentl breeze around your plants will help strengthen the stems two ways. It will bring fresh air around your plants which they need as they deplete the co2 in the 'stale air' and the movement strengthens the stem, they get strong enough to bend not break. VV


Well-Known Member
I think victor has given ya pretty good advice there.. the only thing I would add is that you have to keep in mind the size of the plant has a lot to do with strain and whether or not it is a sativa or indica. As I understand it sativa plants tend to grow larger in height and thin fan leaves and indica generally are short bushy plants.. good luck and welcome to RIU..


Active Member
ok great. I've had a fan on it since the beginning so I think she is ok. I forget she is only three days old. All i want is my little baby to be successful. OMG..I sound like my mother.


Well-Known Member
ok great. I've had a fan on it since the beginning so I think she is ok. I forget she is only three days old. All i want is my little baby to be successful. OMG..I sound like my mother.
lol sounds like you are doing good!!! start a grow journal with pics here if ya can! Its a great way to get good advice on your grow and the pics really help the advise givers.. check out some of the journals and see what ya think.