help needed please on lighting


Active Member
you can keep raising the light but your bottom branches wont get the light they need so 1i would say no bigger than 18-22 in from the dirt unless you can place them outside during the day and outside at night seeds are slower for acout the first week so i would say seeds have about 2 months to grow


you can keep raising the light but your bottom branches wont get the light they need so 1i would say no bigger than 18-22 in from the dirt unless you can place them outside during the day and outside at night seeds are slower for acout the first week so i would say seeds have about 2 months to grow

ok thanks for your help...i might pester you more later


Well-Known Member
Hello. First of all what kind of grow lamp? I used flu 150w and had them under it from the start like 2" from tops of seedlings. If your using a hps light 24" I would reccomend. Message me with all the details of ur grow, the equipment your guna use, how ur guna do it, nutrients. Just basically everything about your grow ok and I'll help with anything & everything your not sure on. No worries :-)


Well-Known Member
i have a 250watt hps and i never put my seedlings under it until about 10 days but thats without raising the light to make it weaker.... i would just chuck them in the sun for a few days