Help needed on unknown indian seedbag grow


Active Member
Hey there first seedbag grow here....but since the seed origin is unknown(bagseed) it would be really great and appreciative if someone could tell me what strain is it or if its indica sativa (or ratio of both) or guess if its a male or female(evn though it aint flowering).............please this is my first grow that is materialising out in im pretty excited....plzzzzzzz help me out sum1



Nice plant how old is it?
Looks like it is sexing ?
What lighting do you have on it , i mean how long is it under light daily?
Have you read the other threads they are very helpful alot of great folks here willing to teach all us noobs!:peace:


Active Member
thanx...i dunno much about the strain...its under cfl lighting 32 watt.(approximately 15 or 16 hrs).dnt have any timers or hi fi devices...hardly used any ferti...just sum cow dung(manure)(dats common here inqndia) it sexing?? i dnt knw much..i was just curious if it similar to any common strains...