HELP needed - NPK deficiency followed by nute burns


New Member
Hi all,

Up until now I was only viewing other posts and searching through the forum, as most information is already there.
It got me through 6 weeks of vegging successfully, under CFL lighting.

However, I got to a strange dark corner :sad: with my plant, and I'm not sure on what to do.
Here goes:

1. I had a some NPK deficiency that required me to buy nutes. See attached pics with spots and paleness/yellowing for lacking N and K.
I went for BioBizz (starters kit) as it's all organic and looked promising for a noob grower.
Now, each of the bottles says to add 1-2ml per liter.

2. Yesterday I transplanted the plant in a new 6 liter pot and applied the nutes.
As the instructions were to add 'x' ml/1 liter, I added all components (BioGrow/Bio Heaven/RootJuice [not a nute, it's a stimulator]) to the same 1 liter of water (ph was tested fine).
Meaning I added around 4ml of nutes and 1ml of root juice per 1 liter. Was that wrong of me?
The watering was regular for transplanting, soil is aired pretty good and not dank.

3. I was looking at the leaves today, and still no recovering (I understand it takes 3-5 days to see the changes).
However, it's been 30 hours since the transplant and I'm seeing some nute burn, which freaks me out a bit.

Should I flush?? Should I wait another day or two?
I'm worried that if I flush, it will be too much water for the plant to take on.
The leaves are already a bit droopy and I don't want to worsen things.

Plant is 21cm tall and I was planning to go into flowering in 2-3 weeks once I complete building a grow cab.

Ideas? Help will be much appreciated ;-)
Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
My guess is that you treated for what you thought was a typical deficiency, which was actually nutes being locked out by pH being out of range. pH got back within constraints and the nutes hit.. causing the nute burn. Sound plausible?


New Member
I'm positive that there were nutes missing as pH was pretty much ok from starting.

However, I would like to get an answer to the following please:

1. What should I do regarding the nutes toxicity? I can see new leaves catching burns.
Flushing? Leaves are droopy as it is, and I don't want to get them over-watered.
Maybe I should be waiting it out?

2. Regarding the BioBizz formula - The how-to-use sheet says to add each ingredient to a liter of water.
As I've mentioned, I had added all nutes/accelerators in to the same 1 liter of water - Is that OK?
I'm guessing it is, as the guide tell you to use several types of BioBizz in a given week / watering.
I would like confirmation on that if possible.

And again, thanks.


Well-Known Member
i think its drenage! check it and flush with distilled water! check water pH also! i faced same symptoms and 2 of my girls died while i same the other 3 the way i told u!


New Member
Many thanks GanjaHome :)
I've got me a nice AirPot and flushed it.
Flower has stopped yellowing by still seeing droopage (coz of the watering) - Looking forward to it's recovery.
Hopefully good news ahead.