Help needed - Light Green, Yellow Speckles and Brown. Plants Dying?


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Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Sometimes the lower leaves on a clone will do that...

If the problem is severe then it is likely a pH or nutrient imbalance. The best way to fix one of those is to flush your media with pH appropriate water, testing your run off ppm levels, and then recharging the organics in the soil.

You could also have hard water. Too much calcium in your tap water over time can build up in the media creating an electrical imbalance that will lock out Magnesium and Potassium.

I could also be sulfate toxicity. Sulfates will bind up Ca/Mg/K into immobile salts that build in the media skewing the CEC and pH.

So flush and get your media out of the equation. Then all you'd need to deal with is light and genetic nutritional variance.
nice one guys, do u think it could have been caused by something as simple as spraying them whilst the lights were on causing the leaves to dry and get speckles?

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
nice one guys, do u think it could have been caused by something as simple as spraying them whilst the lights were on causing the leaves to dry and get speckles?
It's ok to spray them under flouresent lighting but with my hps or other high output lighting I always spray as the lights are going off. I hate going in there in the darkness but if nessesary I'll go back in about six hours before the lights come back on and spray them again with fresh water or res water. I never put more than 1/6 that recommended amount of ferts for dirt per gallon of water in my res regardless of the brand. This mix is good for spraying the leaves as well as flooding and drain three times daily. When I was forced to use mg ferts It came to one not quite one heaping teaspoon per six gallons for constant feeding and foliar feeding. Please remember to use your own good judgement as I do hydro and the only plants I keep in dirt are the ones that I torture to help you guys. good morning all!


Well-Known Member
It's ok to spray them under flouresent lighting but with my hps or other high output lighting I always spray as the lights are going off. I hate going in there in the darkness but if nessesary I'll go back in about six hours before the lights come back on and spray them again with fresh water or res water. I never put more than 1/6 that recommended amount of ferts for dirt per gallon of water in my res regardless of the brand. This mix is good for spraying the leaves as well as flooding and drain three times daily. When I was forced to use mg ferts It came to one not quite one heaping teaspoon per six gallons for constant feeding and foliar feeding. Please remember to use your own good judgement as I do hydro and the only plants I keep in dirt are the ones that I torture to help you guys. good morning all!
Still no pics showing. Spray your plants in the dark if you like mold. How about a journal of this great grow you have going? I would love to see one.
Thanks as always Birdie your a superstar. i'll get come pics up of how mine are getitng on and put on here in about an hour so keep checking. i have g13 at 5 weeks veg and northern lights at 2 and a half weeks veg.


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I'm new to this. Have done about 4 in my time and yeilded approx 75oz from each but still class myself as an amatuer.

I have a bit of a problem.

I kept a number of cuttings in small pots for 2-3 weeks prior to potting in 15 ltr pots. The leaves started turning a light yellow colour. When I transferred them from a small pot into a big pot there were a lot of roots coming through which had grow up the sides.

They have now been potted for 2 weeks and the leaves are a light yellow and on every plant have speckles on and some of the leaves are curling up, turning brown and dying. I did a weak solution of nutrients to see if this would bring them round but they don’t seem to be getting any better.

Not really sure what it is. I didn’t know whether it was due to the roots becoming too big/wrapped up therefore not feeding or whether it was because I had given them feed therefore over fed them as there was already nutrients in the soil I had transferred into. Or whether it is some sort of deficency.
Any help/comments/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hay rastadizasta, I don't do clones, but I have some basic questions for ya. So these are clones? Yellowing is usually a sign of low Nitrogen. But on cuttings, I'm not sure. Can't see any of your pics. Start your pic in your album and the you'll be able to post them here.
Speckles, what do you mean. Like small brown spots? Does the mother have any of these brown spots? Take a 30 or 60x scope and look around on the brown spots for little tiny black dots. If you find the black dots, let me know and we'll go from there.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Still no pics showing. Spray your plants in the dark if you like mold. How about a journal of this great grow you have going? I would love to see one.
I have never had a problem with mold. It is best to keep constant air flow around your plants and your grow room. I use a series of small fans and vent tubing to do this. These small fans are not part of the ventilation system and they stay on all the time. Also all my grow materials except some ferts and the water is composed of inorganic materials. Even though I draw my water from a slough that is run off from the mountains, I have two sediment traps and then filters. Constant flow systems are prone to mold.
This turned out to be spider mites. still have them and am in the process of trying to source an efficient product to kill them off!