Help.Need visual guide to amount of weed!


I need a picture of 7 to 9 grams of weed has to be dank as thats what he said it is and I want to know what it looks like.


Well-Known Member
So, you are buying a 1/4 and you don't even know what it looks like?
Say what?
And you are afraid that whom ever you are buying it from will rip you off?
Is this your question ?
<----------) Look at my avatar pic... that thing laying on the toilet seat, is a 1/4 of the good sheiot...maybe more like a half....


Active Member
you van only get a very rough estimate of weight from eyeing it out

and that's a matter of experience, I don't think a picture of 7-9 grams of ANY weed is going to help you.

sry, get a scale. or use a friends



Active Member
These things are so cheap and they're sold at most gas stations and head shops:

Density plays a huge role in guessing weight, so seeing a picture won't really help you at all.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
What he said get a scale. Or ask him to weigh it out in front of you. Tell em str8 out you've been burned before and don't want to be burned again. And if you think his scale is rigged... Put a nickle on it. A nickle weighs 5 grams. Just don't be sure to tell em its a peace of mind thing. Don't wanna get punched in the mouth by a honest dealer.


Active Member
...but the dude said it was dank...dank means bomb ass weed and honestly I've gotten quarters that look like a eighth and a lets stick to the getting your own scale idea..i grow my own "dank" for this very reason...


Virtually Unknown Member
you should have a scale. buy the pot, take it home. weigh it. If the weight's not right, you know not to do business with him again. problem solved.