Help need please


can anybody help identify this deficency on my plant . i think is a ph problem the medium its a little high at 7 . whta do you think she s also started to drop the to leafes .please any help thanks .

Vapor Nation

Well-Known Member
Looks like either Nute Burn or Over-heating to me. But then again, it could be SOOOO many other things. In my opinion, it's difficult to diagnose the problems with these plants because so many of the symptoms are alike.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
If it isn't spider mites then it is most likely an acidic pH of the media locking out Cal-Mag.

The spotting left over from pH issues is extremely easy to diagnose versus nutrient burn for anyone that has experience...


i m sure there is not spider mites in the plant i cheeckd very carefully , so i m guessing its the ph to high . should i do just some water flush . thanks again guys .


thanks boddy you can tell i new with this , im triyng to finde more info about it but not sure where can i read some sure fact , there is a bunch bull sh.. in the enetrnet you know .anyway can you tell me what do you think i should do . thanks

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I'm not entirely sure your meter is accurate.

Just flush the system with 6.5 pH solution, top dress with dolomite lime, and things will work out over time.

Plant's don't heal. So that damage will remain.


good man i just went out and buy the clearex solution for the flush and then chek again carefully the ph and may add some calmag. thanks crash,,,

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
it fools lots of being a calcium deff, its treated with safers deffender fungicide. it happens when a plant is deff in something. yes sometimes calcium will fix it. depending on how bad, this looks heavy if thats what it is. cal looks more like rust spots only on the edges of the serated edges.


Active Member
rust disease , or co2 burn?

Im sorry to but in, can you please explain Co2 burn. I am currently investigating the use of dry ice in my grow. i want to direct the smoke from dry ice blocks into my grow cabinet. I didnt know that you could burn with Co2??? as i dont have/cant afford a Co2 meter i am interested in what you said... Co2 burn??? what/how/levels???

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
co2 burn looks similar to them spots,. you wont even get enough levels with the ice to be any worthwhile for the expense. you need 1500 ppm to be any worthy and a properly set up sealed off room.