Help! Need new doc! being refused to grown my own!

I strongly suggest not relying on the 'grayness' of the situation. You are inviting a situation that will have all your goods seized and confiscated and being offered a court summons that yes, you may win. I thought about this for 2 years... Hiding behind my pink slip because its 'what's right'. But if you are going that route just be prepared to cough up lawyer fees, and potentially loose your crop/equipment and maybe even some issues if you own it with mortgage or insurance (that Im not sure of). I spoke to law enforcement and while you are right about your right to grow, all they have is a 24 hour number that they can check the address with. If your address doesn't come up be prepared for the worst is my guess....If it were attached to your name rather then I would feel better but I really feel uneasy about not having the location registered. Those in the MMAR program have a tendency of feeling invisible and as much as I want to be that way too, I have calculated my risk/reward and for me its not worth it, everybody is different though.
Guess it all depends if it's your life or not. Cheers
I think it is time we really bring it to the Dr;s and clinics that refuse to sign for growing but will for an LP. It is time for action, just like Trump, no fucking around.
Go back to the clinic, take the form you need signed, go through the BS get the Dr to agree to a gram per day go along with it all, then before you leave the Dr's office, hand him or her the HC document you need signed, they of course will refuse it, at that point get really nasty in a calm non violent way.
Tell them that you have inquired with the collage of physicians, tell them you were given a hotline number to report them if this happened and that is in violation of you rights, then tell them you have also contacted local medai and they are interested to know how your appointment went.
Also tell them you will be submitting a detailed account to a class action lawsuit lawyer and you will be posting there Dr info on various Cannabis info sites such as RIU, IC, Lift so and and so on.
I would also tell them you plan make a report to the better business and you will be sending copy's of that report to anyone that will listen.
You let them know they are wrong and you know it, also record the audio of your visitation get them on tape agreeing that you need Cannabis for your condition so that way he can not re write how the appointment really went. Have a wife or partner record the audio for you and sit in on your appointment. Basically back that peice of trash so far into a corner they either give you your script, or you have enough evidence to prove your rights are in violation, then grow all you please. Because if you end up in front of a judge and you say look sir, my rights were completely being violated and I did the best I could, you will have no problems.

Anyways document it all, get on the phone with HC, the collage, and the press. Play dirty but with in the law.
Call your provinces college of physicians and report the fucker

Hey guys! I'm currently a MMPR paitent have been for about a little under a year now I signed up with the clinic "simcoe holistic health" because my family doc wouldn't sign me. I had to pay these guys 367$ when I first signed up I really liked the guys over there, but it seems there was a change of owners and it's very slopply ran now and I don't enjoy the people that speak to me there. I called in asking if my current doc (simcoe doc) would sign my ACMPR forms as I tried sending them myself to HC with an "original" document and it got sent back because I needed my doc to fill out a new form. No matter what I said or offered he declinded it all and told me they won't be dealing with anything to do with ACMPR at all and the doctor that script me is totally against the "growing your own laws".. I feel this is super against my rights as paitent and im in need a of proper doctor! If you guys know of anyone please let me know!!
The way i look at it is, if you are signed up for mmpr or acmpr then you are able to grow. You may lose your shit if busted but whats the charge going to be "not filling out paper work". The simple fact that you are allowed to possess is grounds that you have the right to grow. I told my doc that the simple fact of growing helps with my anxiety and when mixed together is when i feel best.
Do you know what they charge for their services?

Not sure. But if you go to their site and call Alex he is honest and won't BS you or lead you on for a dollar.

Again just passing on my experience.

Hope it works for you. Have a pain free day.
Any word from your friends how it went?
Not so good, they went in today, in terms of setting up an appointment that went fast, so fast that I did not even get a chance to give my friend advice, they just kind of wisked him in (So if you want something fast try them) but that was the only good thing. They are holding his script hostage, they signed but they want to keep the original and send it on his behalf, that not only does not work for us, HC says on the guidance doc not to do that.
We explained to them that we do not want our grow address on file at some clinic, it should only be on file at HC. We do not know who owns this clinic, we do not know how secure our info really is there, and it is just not responsible to have your grow site info documented any place other then HC. What is stopping some employee of the place to become disgruntled and sell the grow site info to shady people?

We will see, he is going in literally right now, I gave him this document and a few things to mention to them, I will know in an hour or 2 how it went, I will keep you guys posted. But I did call them just now and they said they will not release the original so we will see.
I also told him to mention that this is being documented on RIU and a few other sites and it can make or break a clinic.

Submitting Your Registration Form to Health Canada

Once your registration form is completed and signed, you can submit it to Health Canada by mailing it to the following address:

Health Canada
Registration Process
Address Locator: 0302B
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9

You must ensure that all required supporting documents are included with your registration form. This includes your medical document and a police document for your Designated Person (if you have a Designated Person).

Your medical document cannot be submitted to Health Canada by your health care practitioner. You must include your medical document with this registration form.

That is right off of the HC guidance page.
I should add they charged him 400$ up front....... We will see if they refund it if they can not offer the correct service.
i wasnt super happy with CCC on my first 3-4 visits to renew with LPs i was under the impression they didnt deal with PPLs because they were/are affiliated with bedrocan as far as i know. So i was very surprised when the doctor brought up growing for myself after i complained about lack of quality from my LP. He signed with no charge.
well if i could find the right doc to pay i happily would so i could grow. so i don't have to buy over price weed anymore. Which we all know we can grow.

just so tired of being sick and then too have people take advantage of it for there profit pretty much the f---ing icing on the cake eh. nothing like taking care of the sick lmao there my little rant
Any word from your friends how it went?
OK update, it ended up going really well, it did cost 400$, but they signed for 12 months 5 gpg, and they gave us the original medical document. we will be sending to HC Monday so that I can DG for them. So in the end, it was really good service, the guy who works there was friendly and cool. It took 1 week from the time we emailed them until today getting the signed medical document.
If you go tell him that Torontomeds from RIU sent you. I do not get anything out of it, but I just want him to know if people from here go. I had my friend mention RIU he had not heard of it but was happy that someone posted a link in here. Anyways we are still on a waiting list for LiftMJ and they have said no grow and 3gpd when they do get him in, we started with them in Nov of 2016, we reached out to this new place one week ago and we have 25 plants today ; )
I told him to expect a flood of people once I post that he is a decent option. I know some of you are going to say 400$ aww man who the fuck can pay that , and oh the dr can not charge. Well in this case the Dr is not charging, the clinic charges for paper work, and some other educational services, but like I said for the time it took and the fact that he asked the dr for 3gpd and she said start out with 5gpd, I would say this is a good option. I might even go here next time even though I have my family Dr because my fam dr is only willing to do 3gpd and I would like 5. Anyways end of story good place to go. If the fee does not bug you, it is well worth it and it will get done asap, just have all your medical documents ready.
Not sure. But if you go to their site and call Alex he is honest and won't BS you or lead you on for a dollar.

Again just passing on my experience.

Hope it works for you. Have a pain free day.

I found a new doc that isn't going to charge for renewal. Still want cash for grow permit, but I'm ok with that, it's half what my current doc was asking.

I haven't got a reply from I find it a bit concerning since they asked for so much info.

I'm not sure if anyone can confirm these guys are legit, but if not I'd recommend everyone else stays away. I find it odd that I didn't get any reply at all, not even an automated response.
I found a new doc that isn't going to charge for renewal. Still want cash for grow permit, but I'm ok with that, it's half what my current doc was asking.

I haven't got a reply from I find it a bit concerning since they asked for so much info.

I'm not sure if anyone can confirm these guys are legit, but if not I'd recommend everyone else stays away. I find it odd that I didn't get any reply at all, not even an automated response.
Hit them up again, my friend went, hit them up on a Saturday and had his script the following sat (last week), they did seem to want a lot of info at first, but if you have medical documents(and like who doesn't now a days) then hit them up, if you need help with how to deal with them, I can help you.
They even gave him a proper plant count, like he asked for 3gpd and the dr said take 5 so that you have a few extra plants, like she understood it.