help need advice


New Member
so i am growing one plant its a bag seed either a kush or a GDP i germinated it and everything and planted it in the 5 gallon pot on march 29 2008 i live in socal so this was the perfect time to do it. it is only about 5 to 6 inches tall i water it when the soil feels dry.. alot of the leaves seem to bent down at the tips and the first set of leaves are yellow. now its been like real hot the past couple days like high 80s low 90s maybe my plants leaves are yellowing from this heat? i gave it nutrients just like an 1/8 strength of what it asks for so i dont think its the nutes. i also added some banana peels with the soil and some peaches as well should i have not done this? also the ph level of the soil is around 7 maybe thats y my plant is not doing good. need help please


Active Member
what kinda soil? how often you water, what type of nutes? ph is a little high? the first set of leaves always turn yellow as the plant gets bigger.


New Member
black magic soil..... probly not gonna use it again...... i water when ever the soil feels dry so either once a day or once every 2 days and the nutes i dont remeber what brand but its a 20-20-20


Active Member
that soil must not be too good. i planted my plants in late april and they are all about 3 feet already. maybe the soil isnt soft enough for the roots to grow easily?


New Member
yea im going to use fox farm ocean floor for my next grow but the nutes that im using is this - Grow More all seasons grow 20-20-20 solution.
maybe im overwatering it cuz the leaves are curling at the end.


Active Member
oh i just noticed how old they are.. its to soon for nutes.. i always wait till there around 4 weeks to start feeding.. as long as your soil doesn't have any time released nutes in you should be good. sounds like it could be over watering or nute very slight nute burn because there so young.. pics would help but we can try to figure it out with out them. you know your plants better than anyone.. do you feel like it could be either one of these? i always use the finger test to see if i need to water.. if its dry 2 inches down then i water.


New Member
um no i dont think its too soon for nutes no way my plant is 10 1/2 weeks old so i dunno maybe its the soil or not getting enough light hrs it should cuz the days are nice. or its getting heat burn from the sun i dunno this is my first grow and i plan on doing alot more.


Active Member
dam dude sorry i can't read when i smoke.. i thought it said may.. my bad..
its normal for the lower leaves to die back. i normaly lose the first two sets of fan leaves before it ever goes into flowering. they will start to look pale green then light green, and so on untill they just fall off. totaly normal. im stoned so maybe i got it right this time.