Help! Need Advice ASAP!


Active Member
Ok so I was gone when this happen but a comcast worker saw my one and only plant in my closet! Nobody knew about this little project I had not even the people I live with. I already took everything out, got rid of it. But can I still get in trouble if heaven forbid he narcs me out to the cops? Or if he took a picture? Can I get in trouble for having a grow light? Am I fucked? Well looks Like I need to move and buy my own house or something. I need advice if any body ran into the same dilema. I'm done growing for a while, but still would like to know what could possibly happen from this encounter.


Well-Known Member
As long as you got rid of the plant, you're completely safe. Grow lights are perfectly legal. Just take a break from growing for a while.


well, that might be a reason to freak out


i personally know 4 people that work for comcast and all smoke

as far as your situation i cant tell, but if you were gone how did you know that he saw them?


Active Member
Our Internet was down, so instead of just checking the router (which no where near my closet, not even the same room for that matter) my roomate begged him to go check all cables. Of Course I had one in my closet So 2 rooms could have cable. Idk It's sucks big time! I spend $400 dollars on my 250w, daystar AC 6", and now this!


Well-Known Member
You did the right thing by getting rid of the plant. Now you have nothing to worry about. If he went to the cops... and they search your house, there won't be a plant there... so you're clean. However, I'm sure you have some smoke and some smoking utensils. Might wanna get those out of the house for a while too... just to be safe.


Well-Known Member
I doubt he did anything. I know people who work for comcast and all smoke lol. They usually cool people. Hopefully your plant wasnt flowering...I would take a break for awhile and start over. Be careful though.


Well-Known Member
You could be right, Dually. However, its better to be safe than sorry. When a stranger comes into your house and sees your plants... its never a wise idea to ignore the situation. Hell, even if the guy said that he's a smoker and my plant is beautiful, I'd STILL get rid of it with a quickness. Jail/probation/criminal record is NOT fun.


Active Member
Yeah, I would just get rid of all evidence for a while. I'm sure the Comcast worker has seen plenty of stuff like that before and probably doesn't give a damn. Our cable guy saw our plants and was cool with the situation. Why would he narc you out unless he's an evil, anti-pot person? I doubt you will get in trouble but lay low just to be sure.

ragged crushing

Well-Known Member
you should of started a coversation with him to feel him out and possibly get him to feel like "this dude is cool" or something, you might of been alil more understanding where you stand with him:wall:, oh and give him a 10$ tip also, that may have worked.:hug:


Active Member
Yea better be safe than sorry. I'm not really sad, I mean I am rather "young" and have plenty of time to do something about it. And also I live in MI and proposition 1 will probly pass. Than I think I could have a card for my Bell's Palsy ( if anyone knows if that's legit enough). The fact that a stranger saw my secret tweaks me out the most.