help my sex my lowryder


Well-Known Member
Hi guys this male is easily tallest and my best plant now scared its a male but not really sure, none of other plants are showing pistils but this one as far as i know might be a male. Its been 3 weeks. thanks for any helpIMG_0399.jpg


Well-Known Member
That first picture looks a little male, but it's blurry. Could you try to take another picture from that angle?


Well-Known Member
You can see in my avatar picture where these plants will show sex. Unfortunately, I can't tell from your picture. You appear to have calyxs showing. If they have 2 white hairs growing from them, they're female. If they're balls, it's male. If you think it's a male, wait a few days just to be would suck to chop down a plant unnecessarily. Good luck!