Help!!!!!! My plants wont pop out the dirt

i germinate them and when the root is showing a little i plant it and water every other day my soil is not soggy but moist and im using the light in my room i know that is probably the problem what do you think


Active Member
how long has it been since you germinated them and put them into the soil, what kind of soil and how deep did you put them?
no heat mat would that be a good purchase and its been a week today since i planted them and i germinated for 4 days prior to planting them anything else i should do


Well-Known Member
so they were already germinating when you planted them? im confused by what you mean by that. i would of buried them a lil deeper. I'm sorry but I've got some bad news, if you only planted them a cm deep and its been a week and they havent burst up yet they are probally a lost cause. I could be and hopefully am wrong though, At this point i'd still try to remove dirt and that carefully and see what is going on w/them.
i dug up the surrounding area of the seed first of it was deeper than i thought about an inch deep and the root has grown about an inch i covered it up with a thin layer of dirt and watered it so hopefully its salvagable