help!!!!!! my plants are sick


Active Member
:wall:i have just recently started growing in an aerogarden everything was goin fine until about 2 weeks ago the plants are about 1 1/2 months old we are using distilled water and fish emulsion as nutrients because we cant find any chemical ones in our area the temp in the room was aroun 75 to 80 but i changed it to 65 70 about a week ago the ph is around 6.2. the leaves are curling up like a taco shell and are very droopy they have orangish brown spots on some leaves and the bottom leaves are turning yellow and the new growth is shriveling up whats goin on here are some pics



Well-Known Member
you have broken them......seriously though they need some 15=15=15 nutes quick, they are lacking nutrients severly.


New Member
What Woomeister said ... plus, you have your PH too high. Shoot for between 5.2 and 5.8. You'll get the maximum nutrient take-up when growing hydro with those PH numbers.



Well-Known Member
dude....dont worry u can prolly still save her...
this exact same thing happend to me,,,but worse...
ok i used Fish emulsion too...its very easy to fuck it up...Just flush it...use plain PH water..
he is what happened to me

