help my plants are diyng


New Member
im having a problem with my plants im in the 3rd week almost 4th I start them from seed and yesterday I notice a bit of decoloration on a tip of one leave today I check them all loking for mites I didn't found any but how ever I spray them with cold tap water then I few hours later a chek them again and some of them have weird stains I touch one of them and it crumbled lefting a small hole in the leave im also notice that some of the plants have yellow in the lower leafs I will attach some pictures (in the forth picture the white dots are a bit of perlite dust and in the 6th one the top leave that looks brown is for some thing whith the flash I already chek it twice and is green lol) DSCN0231.jpgDSCN0232.jpgDSCN0233.jpgDSCN0234.jpgDSCN0235.jpgIMG_0706[1].jpg thanks in advance it is my first grow and another question I have 6 plants 2 auto jack 2purple kush auto and 2 with widow photo it is normal that they all grow diferent kind of leaves even the ones that are the same strain almost forgot I'm growing in promix with a 600w and feeding pure blend pro grow 10ml/g and super thrieve 6ml/g


Active Member
what nutes are you using?, also if you are going to foliar feed i would recommend not doing it when your light is on as the water drops act as a magnifying glass and could burn your plant


New Member
Im using puré blend pro grow 10ml/gal and some super thrieve 6ml/gal but i didnt spray it in the leaves i spray them with cold water because I read that kill mites I don't see any but I did just in case

Royal Blue

Active Member
Hard to tell from pics... but my suggestion would be
stop spraying cold water!
That might be the cause of leaf discoloration
and i hope your not watering with cold water
cause a good soil temp is 70 degrees give or take.


New Member
Hard to tell from pics... but my suggestion would be
stop spraying cold water!
That might be the cause of leaf discoloration
and i hope your not watering with cold water
cause a good soil temp is 70 degrees give or take.
I just spray them once it was after I notice the color change and I didn't know I can't feed them with cold water thank you so much for the advice I will upload better pictures tomorrow


Well-Known Member
looks like a nitrogen overload .. dark green leaves usually mean to much nitrogen and burnt tips will tell you the same.. there still young and you shouldn't be overloading with nutes this early.. the soil has enough nutes and micro nutes to grow for a month or so..just keep on with just water only and you will see a difference in color and growth... less is more in soil..


Well-Known Member
Yep, too much nutrient. Cold water is shocking. One of the reasons people leave water out 24 hours is to bring it up to room temperature so you do not shock the roots.


New Member
looks like a nitrogen overload .. dark green leaves usually mean to much nitrogen and burnt tips will tell you the same.. there still young and you shouldn't be overloading with nutes this early.. the soil has enough nutes and micro nutes to grow for a month or so..just keep on with just water only and you will see a difference in color and growth... less is more in soil..
Ok I will just water them thank you


New Member
Yep, too much nutrient. Cold water is shocking. One of the reasons people leave water out 24 hours is to bring it up to room temperature so you do not shock the roots.
Yes I do the same now I will rest the water in the growing room instead of my kitchen thank you


Active Member
How is your temperature and air flow? How is your soil moisture? Here are some pictures of some clones I had in a warm room with little to no air ventilation. No air flow meant they sat in somewhat of wet soil for prolonged periods of time. This is what happened as a result. It started with just the tips of the leaves.

IMG_3857 (Medium).JPGIMG_3858 (Medium).JPGIMG_3861 (Medium).JPGIMG_3864 (Medium).JPG

The next pictures are of my Skunk #1 when I had RH issues and my light too close.

Skunk #1 -08 (Large).jpgClone experiment (Large).jpgSkunk #1 -01.1 (Large).jpgSkunk #1 -03 (Large).jpgSkunk #1 -04 (Large).jpgSkunk #1 -06 (Large).jpg

Hope these pictures help. Better air flow helped the my clones recover. Better air flow and hiring my lamp helped my burn and RH issues in my flower room.

As far as Autos go I believe they like the soil to dry out in between watering and medium nutrients. You should check out the Auto threads on here. There is some damn good info. Many plants look different. You have Sativas, Indicas, Ruderalis, and Hybrids. They all vary in looks. Even the same strain will have different pheno types. Good luck in you growing and have fun learning.