Help! My plant Looks Sick!


Well-Known Member
Sups guys let me start by saying i am new to growing and im afraid i have a sick plant...

It is about 6 weeks old and has been doing great untill this week.

i Replanted into a 1gallon pot and now some of my leaves have small brown spots in the center along the "stem"

My leaves seem really droopy like its over watered but the soil is semi-moist(i would water tommorow normally)

It dose have a TON of new inner growth

im really upset cause this is WAS my healthiest looking plant.

Any feedback or suggestion would be awsome and appreciated!



Well-Known Member
See the funny thing is i am very careful of how much i water...

And when i gently touch the leaves with my pointer and thumb and like "rub" the leave they seem almost dry and crispy..

:( im so worried about this little one...


Well-Known Member
looks like it lacks water. when u reppot a plant, it takes GOOD watering so the plant could adapt to the soil.

soil seems moistly, but actually inside its dry.

i reppotet some of my plants in bigger buckets and watered them really good 3 times. every time when water, water goes out of the bottom, wait until the water is compleatly gone.

after this cykle water them normaly, when soil is kinda hard, not puffy.


Well-Known Member
PS when u water the plants and the soil is starting to swim on top of the water, this is singn that your soil didnt absorb enough water for plant be able to grow in it.

i hope this helps.

PSS your soil does look Extreamly dry..