Help, my leaves are pointing UP!


Active Member
Hi Guys, can someone please help, i have 6 lowryders growing (6days old) and 3 of them seem to be different.
the leaves are pointing up towards my light BUT the other 3 look fine (as far as i know)

i am using a 400w hps if this helps.


Active Member
sorry sage1, camaera bust!
anyway, the light is about 30" away. was advised to do this until they were a bit bigger. only happening with 3 of the 6 plants?????


Well-Known Member
First things first... I'm no expert!

But, I've never heard of that being anything but good. (Photos would help) A few of mine did that and they are now the best looking plants in the group!

Can you go through the photo section and find something that looks like what's happening with yours?


Well-Known Member
Again, no expert here.

But, I'd be willing to guess that if everything else is looking good with them, you've just got some of strong plants. Out of the few of mine that did that... one still does it right after being watered. she's my biggest and started flowering on her own while still in a 20/4 light cycle.

Last time I saw this topic brought up, an old timer referred to it as "they have a hard-on for the light".

I'll see if I can find that thread.


Active Member
Too wierd! I have 3 lowryders and 3 dutch dopes going and all THREE of the lowryders are doing the exact same thing with their little leaves standing up to the light. They're strong plants are are just doing what they can to orient to the light. Don't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
what kind of light do u have?

im not an expert but i would say that ur plants leaves stretching to the lamp only means ur doing awesome! i find that no matter what type of light source i use the closer i keep it to the plant the more leaves start pointing up and trying to grasp it... keep ur lights as close as possible...test it by putting ur hand under it... when it starts to get hot make that tyhe hieght of ur lamps from ur plants..

otherwise good job but get ur lamp closer