HELP! My clones stopped growing


Active Member
Hey all, im not very experienced especially not in growing clones! :-| I was tempted to buy them as they looked very healthy at first. here some info first:

Strain: monster (mostly sativa)
Age: 1 month and a bit
Hight: about 15cm
Light: 5-6hrs direct sunlight (outdoors-balcony)(out of 14)
medium: simple soil mix
Watering: every 2 days
feeding: A fertilizer the growshop owner gave me to start with, dilute it correctly and give it every week

Problem: Plants dont grow in hight. leaves are wrinkled as if they dont grow in lenght and flatten out, but dark green! leave tips tend to point downwards. Also VERY dense internode pattern concluding in internodes even touching each other!! Also it is starting to flower now!!!:-|

does someone know what the prob. is??
would be verythankfull for every post!:mrgreen: i will add some pics soon.

well it sounds to me like they aren't getting enough light. Try pulling them inside under a light when the sun goes down. Close to a single cfl maybe, should be enough to keep em from flowering.
A CFL is a "compact flurescent Light" like the little spiral bulbs that screw into a standard light socket. You want the "daylight" kind, it emits a spectrum of light condusive to veggitative plant growth. More then 1 is good [the more the better] but 1 is enough to keep it from flowering. Flushing is done by watering the plant with an amount of water equal to three times the volume of soil, its done to cleanse the soil of any buildup nutrients and salts. Read the Grow Faq

Good luck