HELP!!! My Church is on FIRE!!!!

please help this is my first grow and yesterday I transplanted a 4 week old clone into a new pot and gave her a big old gulp of half strength nute water and when i woke up this morning this is what i found.... some one with knowledge and know how let me know why my baby has brown spots and curling up leafs

p.s. she is on 12/12 for the last 4 days ( I know she's small, but shes my first)

View attachment 1465431View attachment 1465430View attachment 1465429View attachment 1465428View attachment 1465427View attachment 1465425View attachment 1465424:-(:-(:-(


Active Member
The new soil is probably a bit hot, and you added nutrients on top of that..

This is my first guess as it happened immediately after you transplanted and fed.


Active Member
no nutrients next couple waterings and then start adding your nutrients again.... focus on new growth... there is no "fixing"


Well-Known Member
Yeah don't over compensate with more water and cause another problem. Let them dry out and then feed fresh water. Will look much better in no time
So the leaves have truned really cripsy and flaked off when i touched them, so i cut then off... theres alot of new growth and still a few fan leaves... was this a good idea?


Well-Known Member
If they are 50% or more damaged I like to remove them but some ppl don't like removing anything from their plants so....