Help... My Bong Broke ... AHHHH.. cain it be fixed??????????


Well-Known Member
So yesterday was super hot and the glass of my bong was actually hot (sits in garage) .. so i added some cold water with a few ice cubes to cool it down when i hit it.. well i had to go do something and put the bong in my deep freezer.. well i forgot about it, hours later i remembered and went to get the bong to smoke out of it .. and ohhhh shit .. the bong was cracked all over.. the bong is very very thick and has fell over on the cement over 10 times and its 20 inch tall so it had a bit to fall.. it is very strong bong.. but i guess nothing againts ice..

i put al the parts back together and added some tape cuz it was the only thing i have to smoke out of right now (pic of bong together)
.. and i was soo sad i had to make it work still somewhat.. i won this bong online on weedfreebies when it was running and this bong was going for like $300 and i have had it for almost 3 yrs.. i Need to save it..

what do you guys think is it possible?

Those are large pieces of glass...of course it's possible to fix, but easier to replace...sorry for your loss
and one more reason u get a acrylic one .............i have had mine 13 years now does have duct tape becuase of a crack but still 13 years for something i spent 55 bucks on i dropped it kicked it throwen it ................i have seen those unbreakable glass bowls break buddy was showing off let it go and gone 5 peices

i am sorry for your lost ........bury her with honors give her a 21 tube salute
nothings impossible as long as you have all the pieces and didnt get alot of lil tiny shards. Personally i would just throw it away..BUT if you just had to repair it id highly suggest going out and buying some JB Quick - be sure its QUICK. Piece them back together one at a time until you get two solid halves then get those two halves back together best you can. Going to take a good bit of time and alot of holding, but JBQuick will harden up fairly fast and once its dried its almost as hard as steel. Wont look pretty, but it will smoke.
dude you more than broke your bong, it looks like too much resources to fix and maintain

also, im not here to lecture you but, it sucks yea but glass does weird shit (especially with temp. flux.) and it's very easy to do that certain thing that causes the bong to break in that one fucking particular way that causes it all to go to shit, ya know?
if you have access to a wet glass saw you could cut that end off. then go buy yourself a slide, cut it to an appropriate length with the wet saw , use a glass drill bit to put the slide into it and then you have a steam roller
Eh, it's not worth it. Whenever I buy a bong, I buy it knowing that it probably won't last more than a few years. I've had 4 relatively expensive bongs over the years and each and every one broke in some ridiculously stupid way. I had a Zong with some kind of "break resistant" glass (the inside was like ribbed) and it just shattered when it fell of my coffee table onto my carpet. My last one broke somehow when I dropped the downstem onto the bottom beaker part... I still don't get how that one happened. Basically, you can't expect a bong to last forever, and it's a LOT harder to fix than you think.

Here's my last one that I was talking about (in the back): gogopiece.jpg

I dipped the bottom in Plastidip, layered with duct tape, dipped again in Plastidip, and then covered with some more duct tape... and it STILL leaked. That, and every time I sat it down, I could hear the glass crunch a little. It was a lost cause... they usually are. :(
Eh, it's not worth it. Whenever I buy a bong, I buy it knowing that it probably won't last more than a few years. I've had 4 relatively expensive bongs over the years and each and every one broke in some ridiculously stupid way. I had a Zong with some kind of "break resistant" glass (the inside was like ribbed) and it just shattered when it fell of my coffee table onto my carpet. My last one broke somehow when I dropped the downstem onto the bottom beaker part... I still don't get how that one happened. Basically, you can't expect a bong to last forever, and it's a LOT harder to fix than you think.

Here's my last one that I was talking about (in the back): View attachment 2738879

I dipped the bottom in Plastidip, layered with duct tape, dipped again in Plastidip, and then covered with some more duct tape... and it STILL leaked. That, and every time I sat it down, I could hear the glass crunch a little. It was a lost cause... they usually are. :(

I like the tiger tape! So far I've been lucky and no bong breaks yet. Tons of bowls though little things slip out my hand a lot. It'll be a bad day when one of my bongs does break though. I guess it's bound to happen though.
I break atleast one downstem/bowl/ash catcher every 3months cleaning them in the bathroom, Place it off to the side then whoops off it goes.
Well thanks for all your input.. Kinda figured it would be a hard/expensive fix. Just sad to see this one go. But i might your advice nizza and make a fatty steam roller.. When I went to the smoke shop to buy a pipe it was a very very sad trip.. I never bought a pipe feeling like that.. Sucked..
There's going to be cracks and smoke is going to leak out. Best thing to do is just buy yourself another one. I'm looking into a nice SYN glass bong right now. Check those ones out