Help!! Mold!


Well-Known Member
HELP! One of the branches about half way up the plant is growing a mould patch about 2 inches long. it looks gray to me. she started flowering 4 weeks ago and id hate to have to cut the whole branch off. what should i doooo?!?


Active Member
Cut the infected area off and get try to get to the root of the prooblem what caused it in the first place ?? U dont haave fan blowing air around, u dont leave it on, no ectraction?


Well-Known Member
Pray that shit down with H2O2 then cut it, then spray your fans with H2O2(even might wanna make the fans blow a couple sprays of h2o2 to kill the airborn spores). Smoking fungus is probably worse then smokin cigarettes so be careful when it comes to mold.


Well-Known Member
forgot the mention its outdoor. shes about 5 feet high and this branch is maybe 3 feet long. its the only infected area on the entire plant, its about half way up the shoot.


Active Member
Humidity too high, if you have mold growing on a branch you have high chance of having mold grow in your buds..
Not enough air movement, High air flow actually keeps mold form forming, mold needs cool, low air flow, damp environment

Lower your humidity with a dehumidifier and add a fan or to to the grow space.

Well... being outdoor, my recommendations are shit LOL... ignore this


Active Member
If you foliar feed that plant STOP! best advice for an outdoor plant with mold, because you dont have much you can do to her... cut the branch off, get it away from the rest of the plant.


Well-Known Member
is cutting it off my only choice? ill most likely lose a oz atleast from it. shes only got 4 weeks left is there a way i can contain the mold or something? its such a waste


Well-Known Member
is cutting it off my only choice? ill most likely lose a oz atleast from it. shes only got 4 weeks left is there a way i can contain the mold or something? its such a waste
I'd cut it out. It could spread. Not worth losing the whole plant over trying to save one oz. Mold is not to be fucked with. Gotta get rid of it as soon as it starts.


Active Member
I have same same problem wash area with hydrogen peroxide and scrub with a toothbrush then rinse. Ive also tried
Vinegar and even wiped the area with diluted bleach. One plant is now fine but other keeps returning
With mold. Next year mold resist strains only. This summer is to foggy here.


Well-Known Member
i was having the same problem,what i did was spray h202 on infected areas,and threw a rotating fan on them.i started to c results after i threw the fan on them.


Well-Known Member
mine is outdoor also.if you are misting your plants stop,and stop getting the stems mildew was on my leafs though.