Help meSeed germination, but the situation is not good!

In China, 5500K fluorescent lamp for me, today is the fifth day, haven't grown up? I really appreciate your help:?
[QUOTE =海边; 10344040]?植物看起来没什么问题,什么你的光周期[/ QUOTE] 145W,24

Every day 24 Hours OK??


Well-Known Member
Reduce watering. Allow the soil to dry a lot more. And what are you saying with that Chinese comment?


Well-Known Member
Just be patient.. they looked fine to me. If this is your first grow, make sure you don't over water.


Well-Known Member
See those little leaves sprouting out of the top there? That means it's growing just fine. It's staying short and not stretching out so it's getting enough light currently. Just leave it be and try not to worry about it. Right now your little guy is doing its job and putting down roots.
Don't water every day. I'd wait about 5-7 days to water it actually (unless your soil get's completely dried out)
It'll build a nice rootmass by then. Then the sucker will take off. Plants are a little slow for the first week or so.
Patience grasshoppa

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Growing WEED in the R.O.C? Have you taken leave of your senses? I hear they'll summarily execute a person for that over there!!..........Or run over you with a tank......