Help meme off


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
This isn't racist or a meme ..... I just cant seem to find the books for sale section , I bought these off ebay and they weren't the edition I was looking for , this is the only thread I found with the words inhumanely horrible racist books for sale attached, sorry Sunni don't ban me View attachment 3849953 View attachment 3849954

Everything except for my obvious racism that is.


Well-Known Member
Sorry bout farmer , I don't know or care who mainliner is , I just wanted to stir up these holier than thou , egotistical bombastic bell ends that bully the hell out of whom ever they want in here , wether it be noobs , well known members , active members or who ever , this Gary bullies them , belittles them , tells people to die , Gary is without doubt the epitome of a sad sad individual , and his chronies that fuel his fire by encouraging him are also undeniably mentally ill . Then there's old mate buck ..... Obviously a narcissist with deluded ideas that he is the be all and end all of growing pot. I suspect in reality both Gary and Buck were breast fed until the age of 15 , upon being weaned from the tit they found there only way to get attention was to bully and ridicule people that they believed to be weaker ..... The scary thing is , 9 out of 10 serial killers display the same narcissistic traits ..... I have grave concerns for anyone associated with these two .
Do you vape?


abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Talk and Toke forum cops c2g and her sidekick fuzzy bear. You two asshats are currently policing three members today, or did i miss your fourth or fifth?