help me with my grow room plzz

ok i currently have 2 4ft t5 lights wired together on a single ballast i also have a bathroom ventilation system in my grow room too i am trying to grow 5 or 6 plants and want someone with some experiance to give me an opinion... i am a apprentice electrician so i have wired all this myself and want to know if i need more lights..


Active Member
More light = Better!

I would get more light, also the flouros you have, what spectrum are they? You will want something in the 5000K range for veg and something in the 2000K range for flowering. Also if there is room in your budget, I would recommend upgrading to HID lighting. I have a 100W HPS that I run over a single plant and it is doing very well, for a total cost of about $50. I could easily do 2-3 plants under it. Another option is to add some CFL's if you can't/don't want to do HID. Adding a few CFL's can greatly help a small garden. If you are looking for the most cost effective route, I would add 4-8 CFL's depending on what you have room for. For CFL's its 6500K(Soft White) for veg and 2700K(Warm White) for flowering. Hope this helps.


Active Member
2 x fluros are ok for little seedlings or clones

get something more for veg

get something much more for flower,

get a 400W hps and use it for both veg and flower stages

if you keep growing under a couple of fluros, your plants will stretch tall and skinny looking for light, wont bush out at all and definatly wont generate beefy buds

in my experience, apprentice electricians require beefy buds


Active Member
take it down...

it will have to be really close to the plants to make any impact and will block the light from the 400 hps

use the 2 x t5s to start seedlings or clones