Help me with bug spray method schedule azamax/NPK mighty wash


Well-Known Member
Never got mites, but got them in 1 tent and not many. Only reason I think I got mites was bc the 2 plants that they got onto were having plant deficiencies and were a little sick throughout veg. Was using Azamax only in lower doses about every 10 days... Since I seen mites in the 1 tent about 2 weeks ago I sprayed NPK mighty wash 4 times. Is the mighty wash just a preventive spray or ONLY if you have mites??? Also get me on a better bug spray program with the azamax/mighty wash . Thanks
There are a lot of things you can use.
SNS 209 is essentially rosemary oil and the rosemeric oil gets in the plants after about 5 waterings or 2.5 days or so. The mites hate it. They starve or leave.

Some dudes have said that rosemary can leave a taste in the smoke.

One guy here uses Safer 3 in 1 and adds about 1 oz of rubbing alcohol (50,70 or 90% sold at drug store).

You can spray 55% water and 45% rubbing alcohol. Maybe add a drop of Dawn.

The other Safer soap or sprays with Sulphur. Supposedly Sulphur melts them.

Bug bombs - Dr. Doom or something, Pyrethin and Beethoven. Be careful if it is in your house - leave and take any pets too.

Neem oil (100%) with a little Dawn a few drops.

I have used Canola oil 3 tablespoons with a teaspoon of Dawn in a one gallon sprayer. Let sit for 5 hours and rinse with water later. This is about as cheap as it gets. A well known or two mite spray uses...canola oil.

Always spray with lights off.

Some people say add Silica Blast to your waterings because it toughens up the plants.

Google CaliClean (hmebnera or hambenero) aka Pepper Spray. Cheap and effective and old California grower trick. Strong stuff but cheap. Safe on plants but strong to breathe in.

Yellow sticky paper. Aphids and mites supposedly love bright yellow along with other bugs.
I like to do azamax neem combo with a drop of dawn dish soap .....if I see bugs I hit my plants every four to five days .......azamax is a antifeedent not a kill on contact ....but it's nice because it can be used later into flower .....but I do also alternate between the two because the little basterds will build up a tolerance. Good luck
Your supposed to shut the fans/lights off for 24hrs after using mighty wash. Do you have webbing and/or spotting? Did you find any dead mites stuck to the plant?@Meast21
Your supposed to shut the fans/lights off for 24hrs after using mighty wash. Do you have webbing and/or spotting? Did you find any dead mites stuck to the plant?@Meast21

I have a very small amount of mites still on 1 plant and have been doing the mighty wash on that about every 4 days for the last 2 weeks. Never heard of leaving lights off for 24 hours for mighty wash, does it say that on instructiions???? Also is mighty wash something you spray as preventative or just when you have mites??
I have a very small amount of mites still on 1 plant and have been doing the mighty wash on that about every 4 days for the last 2 weeks. Never heard of leaving lights off for 24 hours for mighty wash, does it say that on instructiions???? Also is mighty wash something you spray as preventative or just when you have mites??
Directions on the side of the bottle in english only said to shut the lights off..
Anyways lights and fans off for 24hrs, keep temps at 65-80f with no in-room fans, rinse the plant down with water before throwing it back under the lights.
it is used as a contact killer but also works as a non-systematic preventitive for a very short while however i wouldn't use it as a preventitive. You sure its mites? I can't see mites wanting to climb all up back on your plant when its saturated in mw oil?
Directions on the side of the bottle in english only said to shut the lights off..
Anyways lights and fans off for 24hrs, keep temps at 65-80f with no in-room fans, rinse the plant down with water before throwing it back under the lights.
it is used as a contact killer but also works as a non-systematic preventitive for a very short while however i wouldn't use it as a preventitive. You sure its mites? I can't see mites wanting to climb all up back on your plant when its saturated in mw oil?

Like 95% sure its mites. Yeah they were black and you could see a few very small webs like seriously webbing was only 1/8 inch long. Also seen the dumb things right next to their eggs. Never had more than a few hundred, now down to a few if any... So is azamax the best plan say every week ??? I only do azamax til day like 30 of 12/12 .... Any other insights on how to use mighty wash anyone else??? SLPFreak seems like he knows but I'm paranoid duh.
All I know is MW is a contact spray so you have to make contact with eggs or spiders in order to do the trick, so full saturation and spray with lights off. I never leave lights off for 24 hours only until mw has evaporated, works great!