help me water


Hi people,I've got clones in 18ltr pots of soil,they are two weeks into veg and I've only watered when I potted. Problem I'm having is to tell when I need to water again. I'm not used to pots this size. Please advise :roll:


Active Member
pick up the pots when they are dry and again when they have had a good watering to gauge the weight of the pots then when you have watered and the pots revert back to the weight they were dry you should water them, or you could feel the soil aroind 2 inches down if it is wet leave it for a few days, if it is moist leave it for a day and if it is dry it needs watering. Water them until they drain a good amount through the bottom, not to much though. you should also think about starting on the nutrients for veg around this time depending on your soil. :peace:


I'm using miracle grow,I know people say its pants but I used plant magic soil for a few runs and my yield was half what it was from miracle grow. I find I don't have to feed veg nutes as its a very heavily fertilized soil.


Well-Known Member
MG makes many types of soil, which was yours ? I use amended organic MG at times... MG has it's haters.... did you add any perilite, or vermiculite to lighten your soil? MG I have found to be too dense...


It's just all purpose enriched. Yes I used both perlite and vermiculite. All the moisture seems to be at bottom of pots.