Help me plz!


Active Member
Having some problems one of my plants leaves are turning down and some seem to be yellowing....What am I dont wrong and how can I fix it...



Active Member
those are two diff plants by the way one is doing much better than the other all are gettign the same nutrients and watering


Active Member
Im having the same problem. my seedlings are just over 3 weeks and only slightly bigger than those. pluse i got leaves turning down aswell. People are telling me overwatering. once or twice a week watering is best i guess and let the soil dry out before you water. The trick is to water the day before the plant shows it needs more by drooping. GL man!


Wo wo same nutrients? Those babies are to lil for anything more than seed starter soil. I don't add nutrients til at LEAST 3rd set of leaves. Stop nutes and c what happens. O and give lil water slowly and evenly over soil don't drench it. Looks wet.


Well-Known Member
Their real healthy looking:clap:What kind of light you using, how big is the pot that it in:lol:I start my 18 oz cups water when dried out on top and feeling lightweight if you have to get a $6 moisture meter from lowe's or wherever I still use my~just make sure its in the green area or almost in the red just try not to hit the roots stick it in close to the pot or whatever:clap:


Active Member
They are in lil 6" starter pots in some MG seed starter soil.....

Their real healthy looking:clap:What kind of light you using, how big is the pot that it in:lol:I start my 18 oz cups water when dried out on top and feeling lightweight if you have to get a $6 moisture meter from lowe's or wherever I still use my~just make sure its in the green area or almost in the red just try not to hit the roots stick it in close to the pot or whatever:clap:


Well-Known Member
Maybe overwatering, let them dry more. Also keep temps up in there75-80, too cool can droop seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Little seedling looks ok. Leaf tissue undamaged. Just be patient and wait and see. Don't fert anymore in the seedling stage.


Well-Known Member
Wait till to you see my at 2 weeks:lol:My time starts when I remove the plastic off the cups I don't count the 2 days germinating the seed and the 1 day covered with plastic in the cups:clap:


Well-Known Member
i didnt see any mildew. any nursery or home depot will sell fungicide. make sure it says on the label for powdery mildew