help me plz


Active Member
:shock: I germinated a seed and i planted it in a cup with some miracle grow. I was thinking a plant would do better outside rather than inside so i left it in some sun/shady area. day two into the sprout and it looks like its dying. so i brought it back in and got some plant food for it and watered it some more with the food. im still realy new to growing and just need some simple step by step instructions.


Active Member
i'm only on my first grow, but i don't think you're supposed to give young ones any plant food. they don't need any of that until a few weeks in. what type of miracle grow soil is it in? also you probably only need to water it like once every few days. i'm sure if you posted some pics people would give you some more definite answers.


Well-Known Member
no worries budday,...but ur gunna have to start not under any circumstances use food or mircale grow until its 3-4 weeks old..its got plenty of nutes and food to feed itself..if ur guna put it outside make sure it gets direct sunlight ..only water it when the top of ur soil begins to dry up a bit..u can feel it with ur fingers..just use normal potting soil for now...the bigger the container u grow it in the bigger it will get nd the less worries for transplanting but u will have to eventually..any more q;s feel free to ask..


Well-Known Member
If you really want step by step instructions read this book ~ Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor-Outdoor Medical Growers, By Jorge Cervantes (my avatar).


Well-Known Member
NO NUTES till 3-4 weeks, water once every 3-4 days at that stage... and MG soil is dicey if you don't have experience... most are pre nuted and moisture control.. two things you need to control... you can add easily... its hard to remove..


:shock: I germinated a seed and i planted it in a cup with some miracle grow. I was thinking a plant would do better outside rather than inside so i left it in some sun/shady area. day two into the sprout and it looks like its dying. so i brought it back in and got some plant food for it and watered it some more with the food. im still realy new to growing and just need some simple step by step instructions.

your killing it, too much fertilizer!!!!! It hasn't even got a set of leaves yet, leave it alone for a few days just put it somepleace safe outside away from harm! One seed is not gonna produce any yeild at all esp if it is stressed and is male or have alot to learn my friend but we all start somewhere...before you do any more growing read read read everything you can get your hands to learn HOW to grow first!

Good luck!:peace: