help me pls experienced growers


Well-Known Member
i have 2 questions.
1. how mutch @ when do i start to feed my 18 day old clones ionic grow and bloom.? long am i suposed to veg my new clones before going in to my flowering room? thanks guys



ok i now have my cabinet

height is 48"
width is 20"
and depth is 11"

i have 4 26w 6500k cfl which i will be attaching later
aand after vef i will be attaching 26w 2600k cfl but i dont know how many ?:s

i need and a/c attached but have no idea what to do for this can i please have some advice ?


As they grow your going to need more lights. I have 3 plants between 12-18" and i use 1 "300W" 2700k cfl, 1 15w tube fluro at 6500k and 1 "150W" 6500K cfl during veg. the 300W being the main light then the two 6500k be supplemental with the tube fluro being vertical. I think i would really benefit from each plant having its own 300W and tube fluro, but at the moment I can't afford that nor have the room. So i'm just saying you will most likely need more lights.


Well-Known Member
I have eight 26 watt cfls and one 5 foot 2 tube (40 watt each tube) fluorescent for one flowering mama.


Well-Known Member
as to how long to veg...GENERALLY until they are 1/2 the size you'd like them to be when finished. For your room I'd veg at 12 inches tall because some strains can triple their size in flowering and you want enough room no matter what.


Well-Known Member
YOu can feed the clones the bloom nutes now if you want. Mix a 1/4 strength solution of the reccomended dose. You should see growth pic up.


basically i germinated in paper towels and then planteed it into a pot.. and then i had maggots within 2days and then left it like that for a day or 2.. and then i took the plant out off the pot and put it into clean soil in a glass... and the too leave that come out during seedling stage look bruned what shall i do ?