Help me please!!


Active Member
hey im new to this so this is my first grow. its about 14days old now so i just started using nutes today. i used shultz plant food it has 20-30-20 i should have read more becuz now i c u should use 10-15-10 or sumthin well anyway i have it under 2 60 watt cfls rite now so about the nute thing do u think i will kill it. and i noticed one of the leaves the tip is a lil yellow but i noticed this b4 i did the nutes. so jus help me figure out this prob. and i will have pics added by tomaro. thanx alot!!! also my stem is kinda a dark purple if dat means anything



Well-Known Member
hello hazy gurl welcome to riu

okay first things first you should never give nutes to your plant that early in life, especially if its soil, plants have all the nutes they need in themselves already anything you add is exactly that, an addition to help make it grow even bigger than it could by just itself, which is what its been doing for thousands of years.

if you dont mind me asking are you using soil and if so what kind?

okay next, for the vegitation stage of life, (which your plant is in right now) you want nutrients that have a high nitrogen and lower P and K values

something like a 6-4-4 would be awesome

next your plant is probably gonna get nutrient burn, a good rule of thumb when introducing any nutrients is you should always start off at 1/4 strength the recommended dose and see how your plant reacts, then work from there.

so the next plan of action to stop the nutrient burn is to "flush" your plant
you do this by watering it with 3x the volume of what ever size pot you have your plant in, do it in a tub for the easiest clean up

the 2 60 watt cfls, is that actual wattage or wattage equivlant?


New Member
Red stems means want them green or they will flop over due to stems being heavy.


Active Member
Hey thanx for the response i dont think so it jus has like lil yellow on the leaf tip so wut kind of nutes would u sugesst i buy and would i not use them again now for a while since i used to much?


Well-Known Member
hey im new to this so this is my first grow. its about 14days old now so i just started using nutes today. i used shultz plant food it has 20-30-20 i should have read more becuz now i c u should use 10-15-10 or sumthin well anyway i have it under 2 60 watt cfls rite now so about the nute thing do u think i will kill it. and i noticed one of the leaves the tip is a lil yellow but i noticed this b4 i did the nutes. so jus help me figure out this prob. and i will have pics added by tomaro. thanx alot!!! also my stem is kinda a dark purple if dat means anything
It is usually not advisable to use nutrients to your plants at that young of an age. The reason is they have not grown to a point where they are mature enough to process the nutrients properly. Eventhough marijuana is an extremely hardy plant if you introduce nutrients especially at those levels at that age the tendency is the plants to burn. I would suggest immediately is to flush your medium. Flush it with 2-3 times the volume of the container with water or what I use is clearex solution diluted in water. And until the young plant has entered the vegetative state which normally is 2-3 weeks coming from seed or clone then introduce diluted forms of nutrients. Depending on the strain the purple stem of the main stalk can be considered normal heck some growers particularly outdoor think it is a sign to them that it will be a lively plant. Best of luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
thats good for now but you need to get atleast 100w bulbs that are in the right spectrum

it will say 23 watt daylight on the package those are the best ones for veg cuz the have the 6500 k

try fox farm nutes most growers swear by them and its kinda hard to go wrong with the basic nutrients they put out

but yes flush your soil asap, and what soil is that, if its miracle grow or anything like that with slow release fertilizers then your plant wont need anything untill after like 3 months and if it is in that i highly suggest getting a different soil