HELP me please...dont know whats up...


Well...lets see here... i planted 6 seeds after germinating them. into about 2 1/2 inch cups with all different types of soil in each one... one of the seeds got up to about an inch high then stopped growing... the others arent doing much at it because of how small my cups are? and i had them in my window. so they dont get that much light probly about a good 6hrs a day. and i was wondering what kind of light to use and where to get them. im new to the lighting shit soo help me pleaseeeeee :cry:

ohhh and im using 10/10/10 fertalizer. is that good? or am i using it to soon?


learn to walk before you put shoes on and try running!

you need to set aside a area you can do your grow where you can control the enviroment your babys are growing in.

you could try using a 200w Envirolite blue spectrum for seedling/vegative growth.

i would use a 600w HPS for flowering but it all depends on the space you have and what you have planned for ?

by the sounds of it you havent planned at all.

depending on strain your seedling could be trying to make a deep tap root and you could be root bounding them by having them in small cups

i would suggest transplanting them into larger pots and use the same compost for them all so you have a rough idea when they are all going to need a feed

i would suggest doing some reading to get a clear vision of what your trying to achieve before you kill your weeds

good luck -defiant- :peace:


ive done plenty of research. its just that i tried my first seeds out in early april. now its late june...soo yeah its to late for the outside growing it gets to hot in NC for that. and im trying to keep things around the house that i can use. i have flood light from outside well..i have like 4 of them. would that work? and how long does it normally take a regular plant to get about 4 inches high and start to show leaves? JW


Active Member
dont fertilise this early, and get some proper efficient lighting and a timer plug, give it the right lighting and warmth and it will flourish

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Research this
And don't feed until the bottom leaves start turning pale from lack of N.
That fertiliser is the wrong ratio for growing weed, you want about a 5-2-3 ratio for veg and 5-5-3 for flowering (those are just ratios, you can use stronger ferts as long as the ratios stay roughly the same)
You could put em in bigger pots, but I'd try flushing that soil out with tap water first, if it's full of nutrients it could be locking some of them out and stunting growth. I'd expect them to grow to 4 inch by the end of week 2, given the right conditions. I usually grow from clones though, it's been a while since I germed any seeds.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
I didn't say you have to start over, if they aren't showing any nute burn on the leaves then just give them water until you find some more suitable ferts, and get some light on them. What type are those floodlights you mentioned before?


Well-Known Member
mj plants are strong, just get some good CFLs or a HPS bulb and transplant them into bigger pots. you will notice a huge difference