Help me pick a strain for sweden


Active Member
So me and my friend are just about harvesting our second crop and we are gradiually expanding with better stuff, better venting, better light, better nutes and so on.

At first we talked about some fantasy thing getting a house together, split it in two and have a bellow surface hidden basement to grow in. This is very tempting but not realistic in a near future since i've only been working for about a month since i finnished school.

So now i'm thinking about getting up a female outdoor mother to next spring/summer and get about 30-40 nicely pre-vegged clones and bring them into the woods.

My plan is to veg them for about 3-4 weeks inside under a 600w hps light and bring them out i
n some cardboard moving boxes around the beginning or in the middle of may depending on the weather.

My big problem is that i live in sweden and guides that is suited for warm countries like spain doesnt help me much i guess.

I know the basics like having a good soilmix and scouting a nice and safe area to grow in but what i dont know is which few strains are best suited for handling a bad week with rain and down to as much as 5-10 celcius at night to be extreme on a very bad week, meanwhile it can be 30 celcius daytime in the shadow next week.

from what i can come up with myself is that i'd need some kind of early flowering plant which could survive a nuclear strike :D

The strains i'm looking on atm is (rated from the top and down in how suited i think they are for me):

Durban Poison

New Purple Power

Hollands Hope

Early Bud

As said above i need something that is ready for harvest nothing later then september, if i can get something that harvest faster and don't lack potency its a great plus but i guess thats a very rare combo for outdoor strains.

Please come with feedback and info, i'm open for anything around the subject of outdoor growing

Edit: if it helps i guess Swedish weather is pretty similar to Brittish.


Active Member
not a single person on this forum growing in a area with short summer and cold nights on this forum ?


Well-Known Member may want to choose a strain that is mold resistant, used to higher altitudes and cold hardy. You may find some sucess in Swiss Cheese, Swiss Miss, Northern Lights, etc.
Check out Nirvana seed co. and the strains are all listed there for you. Just pick one with fast flowering and higher altitudes, and cold hardiness.
I live in the Northeast USA and I'm growing Northern Lights and Swiss Cheese. They're coming along beautifully.
Good luck and let me know how you do!


Active Member may want to choose a strain that is mold resistant, used to higher altitudes and cold hardy. You may find some sucess in Swiss Cheese, Swiss Miss, Northern Lights, etc.
Check out Nirvana seed co. and the strains are all listed there for you. Just pick one with fast flowering and higher altitudes, and cold hardiness.
I live in the Northeast USA and I'm growing Northern Lights and Swiss Cheese. They're coming along beautifully.
Good luck and let me know how you do!
thanks allot m8, i'll look into it later tonight :)


Active Member
it ain't gonna happen until next summer...only got NYC diesel, PPP, cali orange and lowryder growing indoors now so nothing decent to cut clones for outdoor use.

might post some pics of the harvest comming up in 2-3 weeks.


Active Member
damn! I like the sounds of those strains. Would love to try the Pure Power Plant!
Ye i can recommend the ppp. very tight nugs and the harvest looks promising even if u are a novice...and they smell fabolous =)

the only big problem i got atm is that my growing friend is so eager to smoke that he started to stroke the buds every now and then to get some finger-yummy :P...kinda suck concidering breaking the trichomes will prolly come at the expense of quality but w/e...i'm just happy to build a big stash until next harvest where it can actually start paying itself and a litle bonus ^^.

i'd recommend ppp any day =)