Help me pick a male!!!!!

Smoking Loon

Well-Known Member
So I popped a 5 pack of next gen "Romulan", just for a little side project. Only 4 sprouted. Out of those 4, so far it looks like I have 3 males. At almost 2 weeks of flower, the 4th has not showed me its sex yet. No preflowers when I flipped. I am hoping this one is my female.

So I have 3 males here, and thought about picking one to collect some pollen off of. Maybe make some seed.

The one far right looks like a typical male. First one to show me its gender, big and tall, and the node spacing is far. Thinking I would want a strong male would make this my pick, but I have heard different.

The one in the middle was last to show me its gender, and it looks like a female, short and stout. Tight node spacing. I have heard that ones that resemble females, and show sex late are the males you want to keep.

The one far left was topped early on, but still almost as tall as the middle one (which was not topped). Not as tight nodes as the middle one either.

I am thinking the middle is my keeper.

I love good strains, love smoking them and growing them, but I must admit I am a novice (at best) when it comes to breeding. Which male would you pick if you had to chose one for one of your ladies?



Well-Known Member
I recently just kept a male for breeding. It produced a ton of huge pollen sacks. But also at the top of the branches were what looked to be "buds". I have had hermies, and this is not like those, as it showed only male pollen sacks until recently. Is this normal for males to produce little odd looking buds in addition to pollen sacks?


Well-Known Member
the first one looks best to me(on the far right). its still branched out similiar to a female it has the best traits just off looks imo but if your trying to grow short squat bushy plants then the middle one should be best. but honestly imo the first plant on the far right dosent look like a "typical male" as you said has its female characteristics too


Well-Known Member
So has anyone here with breeding experience noticed little buds on male plants? Not the sacks, but at the ends of the branches.


Well-Known Member
You answered your own question.

You want the male that mostly resembles a female, with the tight internodes and slow to show.

The middle one.


brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • Originally Posted by Wetdog

    You want the male that mostly resembles a female, with the tight internodes and slow to show.


said the brothel owner to monkey boy (moebius)