Help Me Out


Ok, I'm doing my first indoor grow with a 5'x2' box in my bedroom. I have a 400 watt HPS w/ 6 inch cooling tube and an inline 130 cfl fan pushing through a carbon filter. I don't have much space to work with and my buddy who was supposed to help me with hydro set-up flaked so I'm going to use a soil medium.

Today I went and bought Fox Farms Ocean Soil, a bag of Perlite, 5 root cubes, 2 5 gallon buckets and 3 smart pots. I have limited space and I have yet to set up the mylar lining.

I'm about to start germinating my Blue Mystic seeds that I got from Nirvana. My questions are:

1. Do you think that the space I have to work with will be sufficient for 5 plants?
2. Do you think that the 400 watt HPS will be too hot for the plants?
3. How much perlite should I mix into the Fox Farms soil?
4. Can I germinate using the root cube or should I germinate and then transplant to the root cube?

Thanks for your help. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
1)5x2 absolutely
2)Keep it under 85
3)30-50% (i say the more the better)
4)Either way


Well-Known Member
Germinate seed in towel then plant. use rapid rooters or something natural if you must use a mini medium.

A 400 can support 4-5 plants optimum but this varies with size.

A 400 can produce a bit of heat it depends on ambient temps if you are venting out of the box it should not be a big deal.

I like to use about a third perlite with coco cause you can't over water coco and a little compost.


Well-Known Member
Use the root cubes man. Don't germinate in paper towels. I know alot of people do but I've tracked progress from different seedlings paper towel/straight medium. Straight medium kicks ass, when you move the seed from a tower/paper towel you tear off alot of microscopic hairs on the taproot that have to regrow to start root branches. Germinate in something that it will stay in. Seriously the best way to do it.

Agree with smppro wholeheartedly except on the soil. I like to use FFOF straight out of the bag, less perlite is more water retention. I've never had a problem with roots and it lets me water way less often.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Use the root cubes man. Don't germinate in paper towels. I know alot of people do but I've tracked progress from different seedlings paper towel/straight medium. Straight medium kicks ass, when you move the seed from a tower/paper towel you tear off alot of microscopic hairs on the taproot that have to regrow to start root branches. Germinate in something that it will stay in. Seriously the best way to do it.

Agree with smppro wholeheartedly except on the soil. I like to use FFOF straight out of the bag, less perlite is more water retention. I've never had a problem with roots and it lets me water way less often.

Good luck.
FF alone is fine but the more perlite in any medium the more air you get, faster growth, it depends on how often you want to water. Most people prefer paper towel because you can tell if the seed germinates, ive never had any issues with with transplanting from paper towel.:peace:


Well-Known Member
FF alone is fine but the more perlite in any medium the more air you get, faster growth, it depends on how often you want to water. Most people prefer paper towel because you can tell if the seed germinates, ive never had any issues with with transplanting from paper towel.:peace:

That FFOF soil is good shit, but it'll burn the piss out of seedlings. You need to get some organic soil without nutes in it. I woudl suggest mixing 1/3 soil, 1/3 perlite adn 1/3 vermiculite for your first grow. The perlite will give you good draininage and vermiculite gives good moisture retension. That will give you a good AND forgiving soil to work with.

Is your 400w light air cooled? You need to run the light in there during the warmest part of the day. Put a thermometer right under the lamp about 12" away. Leave it there and monitor the temps. If it goes over 86 it's a bit too warm. Air cooled it should run like a dream though. I don't know the dimensions of your grow space but 130cfm seems a bit low to me. Where did you find a 6" 130cfm fan?

Germination....Just plant the seed where it belongs....directly in the soil. Don't mess around with the paper towel method, or the water in a glass method. I don't know where or how that stupidity came along, but it needs to be squashed. If you have an old seed or a seed that just WON'T germinate THEN try soaking it in water for 24 - 48 hours and planting in water. Don't add this extra silly step for no reason. It's just one of the bullshit things that's been going around this forum for way too long. The experienced growers here will tell you to just plant in your medium.

Best of luck to ya and don't overwater (you probably will anyway).


Well-Known Member
That FFOF soil is good shit, but it'll burn the piss out of seedlings. You need to get some organic soil without nutes in it. I woudl suggest mixing 1/3 soil, 1/3 perlite adn 1/3 vermiculite for your first grow. The perlite will give you good draininage and vermiculite gives good moisture retension. That will give you a good AND forgiving soil to work with.

Is your 400w light air cooled? You need to run the light in there during the warmest part of the day. Put a thermometer right under the lamp about 12" away. Leave it there and monitor the temps. If it goes over 86 it's a bit too warm. Air cooled it should run like a dream though. I don't know the dimensions of your grow space but 130cfm seems a bit low to me. Where did you find a 6" 130cfm fan?

Germination....Just plant the seed where it belongs....directly in the soil. Don't mess around with the paper towel method, or the water in a glass method. I don't know where or how that stupidity came along, but it needs to be squashed. If you have an old seed or a seed that just WON'T germinate THEN try soaking it in water for 24 - 48 hours and planting in water. Don't add this extra silly step for no reason. It's just one of the bullshit things that's been going around this forum for way too long. The experienced growers here will tell you to just plant in your medium.

Best of luck to ya and don't overwater (you probably will anyway).
Yea i have heard ocean Forrest can be strong for seedling, but ive never used it. I think the germ method debate is just like the organic vs synthetic, 24/0 vs 18/6 debate, people have a proffered method and believe it is the best but really it doesn't matter. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Yea i have heard ocean Forrest can be strong for seedling, but ive never used it. I think the germ method debate is just like the organic vs synthetic, 24/0 vs 18/6 debate, people have a proffered method and believe it is the best but really it doesn't matter. :joint:
Well, I would agree except in my experience and those experienced growers I've talked to I've had 100% germination rate directly in the medium. I've never had a bean not sprout, so why bother with the extra step? It would make sense if there was even a 10% failure rate. This method should be reserved for those beans that are giving a hard time with germination.

To each their own, but it's not necessary and potentially detrimental. It's just nature, get a seed wet and keep it warm....BAM it'll sprout.


Well-Known Member
If a seed stresses or dies during the early stages it has probably shown that is inferior to its brothers and sisters who make it. Lost plants aint no big when you are looking for the perfect mom.


Thanks y'all. I already started my seeds in the paper towel.. So I guess we'll just see how that goes.

As far as over-watering is concerned, what are the first signs of it? Do I need to use filtered water all the way through my grow?


Well-Known Member
Filtered water is best but not necessary. I think the lack of chlorine is more benefitial to myco and bacteria than the plant directly. But yeah very minimum no chlorine if you cant get that shit filtered.