Help me out


Well-Known Member

As previously iterated, THC is stored within fatty tissue due to the liphidic properties of THC. Now, my question to you is how often do you smoke? If you can ration yourself, then you can get by with a combination of good habits and vitamins. If you plan on smoking heavily, then you will need some sort of fake urine.

Now, to expand on what I mean by good habits and vitamins... Since THC bonds readily with fatty substances, the first thing you must not do after cheifing down is eat. By eating, you are giving the THC molecules something to bond with. Second, you must supplement your detox program with vitamins that will help you expell toxins. I recommend niacin (flush), cayenne pepper, a multiviamin, and milk thistle. All of these should be availible at your local super market. Also, it is important to keep your insulin levels up. This can be accomplished by a few minutes of cardio exercise, as well as intake of low-fiber carbohydrates (again, not to be eaten after smoking). Finally, exercise to burn fat will help tremendously -- a minimum of 30 minutes. If your gym has a sauna, that's icing on the cake. Saunas work excellently for detox purposes. 20 minutes in this bad boy will do wonders. And, if at all possible, exercise after you smoke is idea.

This may seem like a lot of work, but remember, you're already in trouble with the law. Reward is going to take work...



Well-Known Member
homie like I said way before everyone else chimed in. Niacin. exercise. YOU WILL PASS. just do it. and put an end to this. lol. when you pass, come and give me rep.


Well-Known Member

You shouldn't be so confident with such little knowledge of Pittsburgh's situation. You recommended simple exercise and niacin when you didn't know how much he was smoking, nor how his body is. Everybody's metabolic and physiological processes are different. Some people have problems producing chemicals responsible for detox; others have very slow metabolic rates. If he were to take your advice to heart and have it backfire on him, which it very well could, he could face jail time. Just becuase something worked for you does not mean it works for everyone...

Please don't construe this as an attack. Just my advice to you on giving advice. I wouldn't want to see someone end up in trouble becuase a 'sure fire' thing didn't work out...



Well-Known Member
OKAY YOU got 12 days put your stash away for them days. if its hard for you to do think of it this way freedom= smoke , no freedom = no more smoking so is it worth it. You got 12 days I would drink close to a gallon a day NO BLEACH!!! if you do get a kit follow the directions down to the Tee. Including foods that they suggest if you wanna use a cleanser it will only work if you follow directions, I would use 2 and then do yourself a favor go to a drug store and buy a home drug test if you show up clean at home you have a better chance showing up clean in the office (depending on the point system of the two tests) , if you show up dirty KEEP DRINKING. Good luck


Well-Known Member
opps i forgot there was another page, is that all you have smoked this month? 2 bowls and a blunt? what did you smoke last month, because if that is all you smoked then you should be able to drink 3 gallons and be fine, but like i said go to the drug store and test yourself a couple days before your drug screen


Active Member
Yep thats all ive smoked..for this whole going to go to walgreens and pick up a marijuana drug test and start drinkin water like crazy..nd also use the niacin


Active Member
I got a test on the about 12 days..last time i smoked was yesterday but not heavy..
My best advice is to drink all the water you can.

I once passed a piss test after smoking a half oz just two days before taking the test. At the time, I heard that goldenseal would "help" so I used that too.

Somehow I passed.