Help me out


Active Member
Well i am on probation..and i smoke weed
so is there a way that i can detox my system so i come up clean for a ua?
Ive hered if you mix bleach with your piss it will come up negative..

Please no smart ass answers



Active Member
have a piss in a container before u take any drugs then keep this piss an use it when necissary so u have clean piss


Well-Known Member
get a clean friend to piss into a juice container for you. take it....pour what you need in to a condom. 2-3 hours before you must piss......tape that fucking condom to your inner thigh or wear tighywhiteys....that gives it time to come up to the right temp. when it comes time to piss.....tear the condom and squeeze the piss in to the cup. voila.
it has worked for me.
the worst they can say is the piss is too cold. and make you retest. worst case have more time to clean up

bleach does not work. i failed the day i drank bleach.


Active Member
See this is one of those piss test were he is standing in the room with me so i thought i just could get a little bleach throw it in the cup while i piss and it would come up clean..atleast thats what i hered


Well-Known Member
bleach doesnt work they can test for that now, its hard to explain this but they test the gravity if its not normal then they fail you. Drink lots its the best way because your pissin it outta your system, tho when is this drug test? Because I can tell ya now if your gonna fail or have enough time, other thing is when is the last time you smoked? You can buy the cleansers but i dont recommend those either they dont work if your still smoking.
Best that i can say from experinence and through being someone that has tested urine samples (dr's office) is if you have it within 7 days and your smoking crazy your fucked keep smoking cause you got a month tops before you lose your freedom, if you have longer quit now before they do test you. If you show up clean and your not on a drug charge your usually better off not being tested again if it is a drug charge your fucked if you dont stop smoking


Well-Known Member
dude you might be fine. just do super heavy exercise for the next twelve one of those kit cleaning things, drink lots of niacin. dude you can do TOTALLY.


Well-Known Member
clean out free radicals in your blood stream.

The role of niacin in detoxification

Niacin and detoxification of fatty tissues

There are many 'detoxification programs' on the internet, but few of them acknowledge the significant fact that many toxins are stored in FATTY TISSUES. Until that fact is acknowledged, one can not develop a procedure for removing toxins from THAT location.
Until the Ron Hubbard purification program was developed, no one had even yet recognized that these oil soluble toxins had such long-term effects in the body.
An important characteristic of the Hubbard detoxification program is the use of niacin. Niacin has the well-known effect of causing "vasodilation", often called the niacin flush, which is an opening of the small blood vessels, the capillaries, so that more blood flows through them. These are the blood vessels which are of most value in reaching fatty tissues. In this way the toxins which are stored in these fatty tissues can be removed, into the bloodstream, and processed out of the body. However, niacin is also made in the form of niacinamide - a form of vitamin B3 which, deliberately, is manufactured so that it will NOT cause dilation of the blood vessels - the flush so well known when using plain niacin. A detoxification program which features the use of niacinamide and also claims to improve blood circulation would be based on false science.
Some detoxification programs don't even recognize that the toxins they claim to be removing are stored in fatty tissues. The idea of removing these toxins by some procedure which does not include niacin is not practical....

i quoted that from the website.....obviously THC is stored in your fatty cells. it helps remove it.


Well-Known Member
i was like 16. and drank like a 1/4 cup bleach in a glass of milk. I heard i wouldnt fail. not only was i sick as fuck all day. i failed. no i didnt puke or anything and lose it. nothin. just failed.


Well-Known Member
niacin costs like 3 bucks in your local grocrey store. and i wasnt kidding about that shit. I am surprised noone else has heard of it. i mean shit Google it. it will make you hot and bothered for a few hours...whoop whoop. who cares. thats a small price to pay for smoking:leaf:

P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member
I had a piss test once. I had several weeks to prep, so I stopped smoking. My friends told me to try Cranberry Juice.

And when I say I drank Cranberry Juice, thats ALL I drank. Rather than a Coke, it was Cranberry Juice. Breakfast, lunch and dinner Cranberry juice.

Well I drank cranberry juice for a 1 1/2 weeks, along with the 2 'detox' drinks and couple of hours b4 the test.........and failed.

To this day, I HATE fuckin cranberry juice.

Ive also heard exercise will help, something to make you sweat alot.

Good luck to you sir.

Hopefully you find something to clean your system out.

And dont drink bleach like Butch206. Sure, it’ll clean you out, but it’ll leave you hollow inside.

SoM3 Idi0t


Well-Known Member
if you have 12 days and cant afford that shit, you have to stay completely away from weed from here on out, drink GALLONS of water a day, as well as cranberry juice, sweat alot, pee alot and keep drinking, my friend beat a ua in a week that way sweat and piss it all out of your system and just DRINK DRINK DRINK


Active Member
That is some bad luck pot smoker..but i understand lol
i excercise already so im good on that..i just need to be drinking alot more water and i did look into that niacin and i will be getting some of that..
Thanks people for the help
i appreciate it