help me out....plz...


Active Member
Okay I'm growing 50 plants....I'm going to sex them inside then move the females outside my question is what can I do for soil cause this soil is a clay type sand which compacts realty tight but breaks up kinda easy...what can I add..what can I add???...

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Honestly there are things you can add to your soil but I'm guessing as long as your native soil is the bulk of your growing mixture it will just compact right up with any weather etc. I would start with large bags of peatmoss/pro-mix which is peat moss vermiculite and perlite. That is a soilless medium which means it has almost no nutritional value. Though it drains amazingly and is a very good medium in my opinion.

You can dig holes and fill with promix or something like that or you can use pots or grow bags. For nutrients you can take 2 paths. One would be a weekly feeding of a high nitrogen liquid fertilizer during growth and a high phosphourous and potassium liquid fertilizer during budding. The other route you can take is adding long term nutrients to the medium which will break down over time. I would suggest vics super soil which means mixing many things with pro-mix such as blood meal, bone meal, lime, worm castings kelp meal and epsom salts. But the amount of mixing and then bringing the expanded soil out to your grow would not be an easy feat.

What I suggest for a scenario such as yours would be looking into a product called Heavy Harvest by Advanced nutrients. It's a 3 part time release fertilizer designed specifically for the production of cannabis. You put around 1/4 cup of dry fertilizer around the base of each plant and as long as it has adequate water it should be taken care of. Mind you there are 3 different types of this you need to purchase for different stages of growth. But it would work very well with the pro-mix as not only does it provide the basic 3 nutrients N-P-K but it has all the micro nutrients and minerals which you would find in the soil and is ph buffered.

I found out about this product when watching the browndirtwarrior video series which I advise you look up as it would probably help you a great deal. His grow method was the same as I explained to you. 1. Dig hole 2. Put in bag 3. Fill with compressed soil of 3.8 cuft2 compressed soilless medium 4. Make hole and transplant sexed female 5. Apply fertilizer as directed 6. Water in.

As long as your plants are watered you need to return 2 more times to apply fertilizer during summer and beginning of fall. This in my opinion is a lot easier than having to return weekly to liquid feed your 50 plants nutrients lol. During the last week or so I would scrape the top layer of fertilizer off the soil and give each plant a heavy dose of water so as to flush them of any odd taste the fertilizer may leave. I hope you have some help on this grow because chopping, trimming and curing 50 properly grown plants is gonna be one pain in the ass but the mountain of weed in the end may very well be worth it.


Active Member
Yea but then u gotta think 50 plants will produce 25 females 25males statically...
But the bag thing sounds a lot better then buying 100 black plastic 5 gallon pots...
But...the soiliest compost thing, how often do I water???
Cause I can water as needed...o..were can I watch the grow guide to the brown dirt warrior???
For free??
How much is the spoghfbfrf peat moss??? How many bags will I need??
And I'm looking for help but can't find it...o and ten plants will die by bugs deer ect. ..ten will be found and five for me to smoke
; ) if it turns out Bette then good for I'm by myself I'm not gonna be able to trim all of it in one day cause . ??so how long am I gonna be able to trim b4 its to late.??

Thnks and +Rep ^


Honestly there are things you can add to your soil but I'm guessing as long as your native soil is the bulk of your growing mixture it will just compact right up with any weather etc. I would start with large bags of peatmoss/pro-mix which is peat moss vermiculite and perlite. That is a soilless medium which means it has almost no nutritional value. Though it drains amazingly and is a very good medium in my opinion.

You can dig holes and fill with promix or something like that or you can use pots or grow bags. For nutrients you can take 2 paths. One would be a weekly feeding of a high nitrogen liquid fertilizer during growth and a high phosphourous and potassium liquid fertilizer during budding. The other route you can take is adding long term nutrients to the medium which will break down over time. I would suggest vics super soil which means mixing many things with pro-mix such as blood meal, bone meal, lime, worm castings kelp meal and epsom salts. But the amount of mixing and then bringing the expanded soil out to your grow would not be an easy feat.

What I suggest for a scenario such as yours would be looking into a product called Heavy Harvest by Advanced nutrients. It's a 3 part time release fertilizer designed specifically for the production of cannabis. You put around 1/4 cup of dry fertilizer around the base of each plant and as long as it has adequate water it should be taken care of. Mind you there are 3 different types of this you need to purchase for different stages of growth. But it would work very well with the pro-mix as not only does it provide the basic 3 nutrients N-P-K but it has all the micro nutrients and minerals which you would find in the soil and is ph buffered.

I found out about this product when watching the browndirtwarrior video series which I advise you look up as it would probably help you a great deal. His grow method was the same as I explained to you. 1. Dig hole 2. Put in bag 3. Fill with compressed soil of 3.8 cuft2 compressed soilless medium 4. Make hole and transplant sexed female 5. Apply fertilizer as directed 6. Water in.

As long as your plants are watered you need to return 2 more times to apply fertilizer during summer and beginning of fall. This in my opinion is a lot easier than having to return weekly to liquid feed your 50 plants nutrients lol. During the last week or so I would scrape the top layer of fertilizer off the soil and give each plant a heavy dose of water so as to flush them of any odd taste the fertilizer may leave. I hope you have some help on this grow because chopping, trimming and curing 50 properly grown plants is gonna be one pain in the ass but the mountain of weed in the end may very well be worth it.
THis is a great piece of advice here.

I have to admit tho, never heard of Heavy Harvest before. I've just upgraded to the Expert level of advanced nutrients...

Bud Candy
and my personal fave - Final Phase

can't wait to get my next grow started...feels like 2010 is going to be the year of the bud



Well-Known Member
Yea but then u gotta think 50 plants will produce 25 females 25males statically...
But the bag thing sounds a lot better then buying 100 black plastic 5 gallon pots...
But...the soiliest compost thing, how often do I water???
Cause I can water as needed...o..were can I watch the grow guide to the brown dirt warrior???
For free??
How much is the spoghfbfrf peat moss??? How many bags will I need??
And I'm looking for help but can't find it...o and ten plants will die by bugs deer ect. ..ten will be found and five for me to smoke
; ) if it turns out Bette then good for I'm by myself I'm not gonna be able to trim all of it in one day cause . ??so how long am I gonna be able to trim b4 its to late.??

Thnks and +Rep ^
u can watch the browndirtwarrior on youtube. it is a 'must see' for any burgeoning outdoor grower. that dudes in it to win it! but that soilless promix' is costly. the site i found it on was anyway. (and htg is usually pretty cheap on prices)
i mean that may be the going rate, but factor in s&h and it's too steep for me. i'll just start shopping for it locally (different soil additives may have to do tho. i've seen perlite/vermiculite/peat/sand/etc. available at walmart and lowes) as far as not being able to trim it all before it rots or watevr, u could just hang whole branches and trim after it dries as far as that goes.
so my advice is just to buy additives locally and enrich the existing soil w/ wat it needs. check out o4ausername's 08/09 monster attempt thread for some inspiration.:peace:


Well-Known Member
you can can dig it up and add perlite? or there is this artilite stuff ( i think thats what its called ) and you water that into the ground and it really loosens up the dirt, look it up its great shit, i use it in my grandfathers garden all the time.


Active Member mix is 40.00 +s&h
While peat moss at lies is $9.48 for 3.8 cut ft...damn...hygiene makes money : )
Thanks guys I'm going to buy an ass of peat moss and mix my own pro mix out in the woods...that shit is heavy to...I mean I work it every day but that shits pushing 100lbs a bag...

One more question will the roots grow threw the bag?? And do I cut a hole in the bottom???or do I just leave it to do its thing??


Active Member mix is 40.00 +s&h
While peat moss at lies is $9.48 for 3.8 cut ft...damn...hygiene makes money : )
Thanks guys I'm going to buy an ass of peat moss and mix my own pro mix out in the woods...that shit is heavy to...I mean I work it every day but that shits pushing 100lbs a bag...

One more question will the roots grow threw the bag?? And do I cut a hole in the bottom???or do I just leave it to do its thing??

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Yea you can easily just get bulk peatmoss but make sure you get vermiculite and perlite because without it peat's a very dense material that is hard to get wet and is very hard for roots to expand through which means you'll get less growth. By the way many greenhouses and agriculture stores/hydro stores have promix or knockoff brands that are a lot cheaper than buying that much soil in bulk online. I get some brand called fafard which is the same exact thing as pro-mix with vermiculite and perlite mixed in etc and it costs 20 dollars per 3.8cuft2 at my local greenhouse...just saying.

They also sell growbags online for very cheap and you can choose the size you want. For outdoor I would do minimum of 5 gallons if not 7 or maybe even 10 depending on the strain your growing(factor in larger sizes on the sativa end of the scale) The roots dont grow out the side of the bag but the bags have drainage holes in the bottom that the roots would probably grow out of if it ever got that big.

As far as watering goes no matter what your using for soil nutrients etc the best way to tell is water your plants thoroughly and then dont water them at all. Count the days and the day that the plants leaves start to droop means it was the day before you were supposed to water. So if your leaves droop on day 7 of no water that means you should water every 6 days if there is no rain. But I must say that peatmoss in general holds water extremely well. The top of the soil may look dry and crusty but dig under half an inch and you will find a beautiful spongy moist well drained soil. It really does hold its own quite nicely and I find that the only time I need to water is during times of extreme heat and drought. But it may be different for you depending on where you live. I live in the northeast just to let you know.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
One more thing when growing with peat it has an extremely low Ph which makes it hard for the plant to absorb certain nutrients etc and can stunt growth and if exteme enough could probably kill the plant. I'd put in 4 cups of dolomite lime(probably at lowe's along with the peatmoss) per 3.8cuft2 bale of soil. Not only does it even out the ph at a near perfect 7 which is what mj likes best but its something like 26 percent calcium which helps with the cell structure and strength of the plant. Per bale i'd also put 1 1/3 cups of epsom salt(which can be found at any grocery store). I'm getting both of these measurements off of vics super soil.

The reason I'm suggesting both of these amendments is because they are extremely cheap, can be brought right into the field and mixed in when filling the grow bags and for the extra 10 dollars you spend in my opinion it would make a world of difference in the end product.


Well-Known Member
why not just get cheep potting soil mix with perlite. dig your hole 2' deep 2' wide fill with the potting soil? you can get cheep compost potting soil at most nurserys I did a potted grow using the crap sand I have and echo compost. the compost was 45.00 a yard. I should have used perlite in the mix the compost held to much water.


Active Member
Okay thanks. Everybody I think I'm going to cut my # way down so police wont see it as well and will be enough for a hole winter; )