Help me out here to answer this...according to everything that you may have had the

experience of doing yourself, or by reading about it, or hearing from some one's stories...... If you grow indoor (small personal scale) and are using artificial light compared to real outdoor sunlight, which would REAL give you the best yield..? friends and I are betting on this so please try to be as accurate and sure as you possibly can. Some of us are thinking artificial because you can control the levels and amounts of light....not sure .... please help us out cause there's $75.00 riding on this till we get the first 8 responses. This way we can keep an eye on each other so one of us won't drive home and jump on computer with fake log in name and post a boggiest favorited response. YES, WE have NO LIFE.....bongsmilie and my friends are idiots and I want to steal their money (lol) :mrgreen::twisted::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Outdoors can give you the biggest yield.

Indoors can give you the best quality.

It also depends massively on where you live in the world.

For example most photoperiod plants would be dead before harvest in the UK due to excessively cold weather from the end of September.

Thanks jondamon, Hey man, got a silly question just for curiosity... If they had one of those outside glass grow rooms with controlled heating, could they then possible be safe ...? Thanks again.


bud bootlegger
people get monster plants outdoors for mainly two reasons imo..
one ... big ass containers.. people often use 100 gallon containers or so for outdoor grows, allowing tons of room for the roots to grow.. the bigger the root ball, the bigger potential for a bigger plant..
two.. long ass veg times... people plant outdoors in the spring, after last frost, and plants are allowed to veg till late summer.. the bigger the plant is before flowering, the bigger it will be after flowering obviously..
three.. sunlight is super strong.. i know i said two, but i lied.. :D

greenhouses are possible if you live in a secluded area and or a legal area where you could grow outdoors in a greenhouse and not have to worry about being busted.. greenhouses are probably the best compromise between all outdoors and indoor grows, and have their benefits for sure.. :D
Hey racerboy71, good hearing from you man. Hope all is well:peace: If one was to just grow one or two in a greenhouse with other types of farm market type plants, don't you think the possibilities would be pretty slim to none on cops busting in or a overhead bust....? What do you think??? thanks


Well-Known Member
I have grown for nearly 30 years, most of that indoors (by necessity). It is all about the sun my friend. Anything else is just an attempt to duplicate nature and it always falls short.
I have grown for nearly 30 years, most of that indoors (by necessity). It is all about the sun my friend. Anything else is just an attempt to duplicate nature and it always falls short.
OK now that's like heavy duty art.... " ANYTHING ELSE IS JUST AN ATTEMPT TO DUPLICATE NATURE AND IT ALWAYS FALLS SHORT " Ok I know that had to put a smile on God's face, He's going to bless your next grow ether indoors or out, your gonna be blessed BROTHER.................Peace


Well-Known Member
The biggest advantage indoor growing has, imo, is the ability to control environmental factors that you can't outside.

No clouds to block sunlight.

No major wind to shear off branches / destroy your plant.

No hail or heavy rain.

No sudden temp spikes.

Easier to monitor and manage "critters" that enjoy feasting on your plants.

Outside it's survival of the fittest, and the weak usually get an ass whoopin'. Inside, we have more "control".

Best of luck to you, and may your harvest be larger than you ever expected.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors no doubt...on the cloudiest day the amount of lumens from the sun far out due anything artificial...and you don't need a timer


Well-Known Member
One other advantage of outdoor (assuming you don't grow between your house and the garage) is you can plead ignorance. Pretty hard to do if they are in your basement.


Well-Known Member
I have grown outdoor 3 times and indoors once. Unless you have access to a wide open field, your plants probably won't get the light they need. That is one issue I encountered everytime because I live in a very forested area. My plants didn't get enough hours of direct sunlight so the buds didn't get as dense as I would have hoped. The next issue is weather. 2 of my grows where forced the harvest early because of mold. A week of rain towards the end of flower can be devastating. My indoor grow turned out 10x better. I harvested more off of one plant than I got from 2 outdoor plants combined. The major issue for growing indoors(for me) is odor control.

If you can give the plants the sunlight they need, you will probably get more growing outdoors. If not, indoors might be your best bet. If I had to choose, I would grow indoors everytime. I am in no way a professional though.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors sunlight gives much better light penetration. Also you have unlimited root space. I could be wrong about this but I believe all the natural outdoor stresses make the plants stronger and more resilient. My outdoor plants this season went through heat waves, major downpours and wind storms resulting in broken branches and the end product was outstanding.


Well-Known Member
I've only grown indoors twice, but have grown outdoors since the late 70's and I can tell you growing indoors is a lot more FUN. No more toting water in August and trying to slink around under the radar, and possibly getting ripped off. Plus you get to have a better interaction with your plants on a daily basis when indoors.

I've got a pretty ideal setup indoors as far as security goes. If I had to worry about neighbors and odors and such it would take a lot of the fun out of it. As it is, nobody is getting near my plants or their odors unless I allow it, which I don't. Overall there is a lot of pros and cons to either method, just gotta pick what's best for you.

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
Based on my research, I would say that for a single crop, with the same number of plants, under ideal conditions, the outdoor plants will dramatically outproduce indoor ones. However, you only get one crop per year in an outdoor grow, and you are the mercy of mother nature to decide when flowering begins. I plan on 9 to 12 harvests of 20 oz each this year on my 3000W indoor grow, so the long winters here can kiss my a$$.


Well-Known Member
About 20 years ago I had a Growers Bible type book by Ed Rosenberg (I think that's his name?).

He included a photo of a MONSTER outdoor plant that, I seem to remember him saying, produce over 7ibs of bud at harvest.
Unfortunately it was one of his first ever grows and he didn't know enough to take cuttings and clones and use this genetic aberration as a Mother...

In all his years of growing many types of weed under virtually every condition he never came across a plant with genetics that even came close to the 7lb Monster he grew as one of his first crops....
AimAim, HELL ya! I'll play the silly back woods drunk fool ..... Dude, you got a very good point there. Hey this has nothing to do with what I have been asking about, but it's a interesting story that's true....seen with my very own eyes near central Florida. This guy has several tree bark colored planting pots that are hoisted up into the tree tops that he has cut/trimmed out the areas where the pots are in place at. He would simply bring them down when he checked up on them. He said he even had less problems with bugs,etc. Even the squirrels don't bother the cannabis as would deer that love to muche on. The bottoms of the pots had a second line ( some of the thickest fishing string that I ever seen in my life, didn't even know they made stuff like that) this second line came straight down and tied off to keep pot from swinging around in the wind. It was pretty cool to see this set up. Interesting by far.


Well-Known Member
About 20 years ago I had a Growers Bible type book by Ed Rosenberg (I think that's his name?).

He included a photo of a MONSTER outdoor plant that, I seem to remember him saying, produce over 7ibs of bud at harvest.
Unfortunately it was one of his first ever grows and he didn't know enough to take cuttings and clones and use this genetic aberration as a Mother...

In all his years of growing many types of weed under virtually every condition he never came across a plant with genetics that even came close to the 7lb Monster he grew as one of his first crops....
The white whale of weed ahaha.


Active Member
i have grown outdoors and i have, and am growing indoors.. and i miss being able to have a six foot tall monster covered in buds like i was getting outside. the control inside is nice, but the yield per plant, not so much. at least not with my currant equipment level.