HELP ME OUT GUYS! what do i do?!


New Member
So im not sure how this happened but my seed/seedling ended up on the side of my cup. luckily i caught this early in the development of the seedling but what do i do?! do i let it grow out on the side of the cup or quickly move it back into the middle?? any ideas/suggestions is much appreciated.

pce and keep tokin on that:fire:



Well-Known Member
Slow down. And I mean that in a very friendly way. :) You're welcome,

Now, understand the only problem here is you. OK? Deep breath....2 more.

Now. Get a spoon and gently take it and it's little clod of dirt back out to a little hole you made with the spoon.

Don't try to pull it and don't cut the tap root.

OTH hand explain why you can't just leave well enough alone. What if you did nothing here?

Don't rush. We are second to second madness, compared to these gentle beings, which are week to week, life. Slow down.


New Member
lol thanks man i appreciate the help. but u do u think it'll be fine if i just left it? kinda feel ilke it my dwarf one of the sides. i might just try that spoon idea.


Well-Known Member
lol thanks man i appreciate the help. but u do u think it'll be fine if i just left it? kinda feel ilke it my dwarf one of the sides. i might just try that spoon idea.
Well, I am more like you, if you don't mind screwing up. It will produce roots there. You will transplant anyway, but with a one sided root ball.

I'd spoon. :)


Well-Known Member
Just leave it. After you transplant when it grows some it will straighten itself out. TToo easy to shock a seedling. by messing with it now.


New Member
yea i had to leave it the taproot was way to long to even attempt it. so i gotta hope for the best here lol. file://localhost/Users/Guest/Downloads/securedownload.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Yep, if the tap is long, that is different. BTW, you have to use manage attachments in advanced section, not the quick post.

That we can see your pictures.


Well-Known Member
Just leave it. If you repot it in a few weeks you can center it. Even if you grow it to maturity in that pot it will be fine, you still have the same volume of soil for it to root in.