Help me nail this problem please!


Well-Known Member
Then supplement and see how it goes, high cal needs mag to balance it out or really bad either way. Learn cal/mag ratios and how to identify how much is in your water. I use Bottled water with the right cal/mag ratios and not had a problem since. Make growing easy not complicated and learn cal/mag before considering other problems. Peace


Well-Known Member
400ppm is still too high for water, i wouldn't even drink this let alone give it to plants but i feel this is at the max ppm for water and plants so some might prosper with it. Good luck


Active Member
Found my old aquarium bucket, washed it out and got 5 gals of RO water for $1.75.. I had to water them this morning with pH'd tap, they were dry already. I only split a gallon between the three, and I added 1 tsp of epsom salt to it.. just in case. Tonight I will do the transplant and use the RO water on the hole before dropping them in and giving them the night to settle. Tomorrow a healthy dose of RO water.


Active Member
That looks a lot like mine, but my soil isn't acidic. If anything it's too neutral. Water goes in at 6.5-6.6, comes out around 7. A lot of my lower leaves are getting lighter now. I really think they are eating themselves to make these buds.

It's happening on random large leaves, not just the bottom up too. New growth around budsites looks fresh, green and healthy. Gotta get these in the ground tonight and see if new soil and rootspace helps. Then I'll see where to go from there.


Active Member
i would say you will be ok i just had to share with ya because they do look alot alike, but mine is only affecting the lower big leaves, hope our girls pull through my buds are looking soo nice too!! ill be keepin me eye out keep us posted!!!


Well-Known Member
Water is a tricky buisssness, got to get it right, provides the plant with a lot of cal/mag over the grow. Too low ppm and you get cal/mag deficiency and too high ppm and you get too much and probably a lot of other substance you probably dont want in there. If not supplying enough cal/mag buy a supplement and ppm the water to 150ppm or whatever is recomended on the lable. I would say calcium and magnesium in the soil might help buffer the pH and stop it becoming acidic so easily as well.

Epsom salts will only cure a magnesium deficiency and has little effect on a calcium deficiency, in fact epsom salts can make a calcium deficiency worse, you end up giving too much magnesium without calcium to balance it. Peace


Active Member
The soil was amended with garden lime already, the pH is hard to move. I had some rust spots early on in the grow and one epsom salt watering cured it. 1 tsp in a gallon can't hurt!

Anyway, the update for now is just before sunset I went into a briar patch and dug 3 holes. I got my ass eaten alive, so the mosquito and thorn deterrence factor is high. Going to drop them in late tonight when they are sleeping in a soggy mix of fresh soil and RO water and see what happens.

Hopefully tomorrow I can get some pictures. Today I started seeing the frosty twinkly of crystals on some of the buds.. amazing for under 20 days since going 12/12. I hope they make it another 5-6 weeks.


Active Member
OK I just had the dumbest thought, but I have to use a decent amount of pH down in my tapwater.. would sloppy pouring cause those leaves to die like that? They only show up in random places, and most of the ones that were the worst were right above the soil...

If that's it I'm going to feel dumb...


Active Member
Well, definitely not the smartest thing I've ever done.. but I tramped around the overgrown lot behind my house in the middle of the night and planted three budding female pot plants into the ground. It's totally guerrilla in the middle of a neighborhood.. luckily it's blocked off on 3 sides and I have access to the only opening..

Not happy with how it worked out but I can see more tomorrow when I walk the dog.

Basically just lined the hole with new soil mix, got it soaking wet, dropped the plant in and filled around it with soil mix and tried to cover the black stuff with the local beige. That's all I could do though! So let's see what happens. Weed is a hardy weed after all.


Well-Known Member
Just for intrest one teaspoon of epson salts per gallon is roughly equivelant to 300ppm of magnesium a litre, suitable to fix all magnesium deficiencies, shouldn't need more than two of these waterings to fix even the worst mag deficiencies. Peace


Active Member
They got one early in life, and one more this week. My ppm meter didn't show nearly 300ppm worth of elements being added though.


Well-Known Member
Say ULM it sounds more to me tht your gurls want/need to be feed your suppose to give them nutes once a week especially when they start to bud i think your sativa isn't acting like the others cause shes a light feeder but indicas are usually heavy feeders. I have grwn plants using our tap water without ph ing or anything and had no troubles just feed your girls and i bet they perk bac up and more thn doubble in size also try adding some unsulferd molasses your ladies will thnk you for it in the end TRUST ME!!!!!!


Active Member
I plan to feed them once they settle in their new homes. Haven't had a chance to check them yet but they got drenched fairly well last night with new soil and RO water.


Active Member
Checked on them today, the upper half was perky, the bottom half was severely wilted. The soil was bone dry so I watered. I half expected it. The surrounding soil is going to be a pain that way during this drought. Hopefully we get some rain soon! May end up losing a bunch of lower fan leaves, but that was going to happen anyway.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of feeding them, at least the top half looked perky, the bottom may too after a water.

I measured a gallon and one teaspoon of epsom and it read 300ppm but there are a lot of variables and this is a very high ppm to add to plants and soil why it seems more of a fix. What did your reading per teaspoon in a gallon read? Must let it dissolve and stir it lots before reading. Peace


Well-Known Member
Sorry forgot they were in new soil, has this helped as it would be like a feed for them? Peace


Well-Known Member
If the fan leaves don't shake back after a good feeding you could lolly pop them also if your able to get to it try grabbing a gal of water out of the bayou gotta think all the trees and grass ive seen get tall and thic around the bayou plus with all the fish you have a natural fert in it already.


Active Member
I thought about lake water lol. I live like a mile from one. I also found out my little dosage syringe is 1/4 of what I thought it was. I thought a full draw was 5 ml, but apparently it's 1 ml... so all my feedings have been extremely light. Glad I figured that out before I built my DWCs!

Gonna try to give them a check today but idk if I can. I can for sure tom. morning and I know they'll need a ton of water by then. I'll grab pics the next time I'm there.