Help Me Masters!


Well-Known Member
This is why i only use pro-mix, because, then i know exactly what i feed the plant. It makes it alot easier to diagnose prablems. and if ur using sensi then it is NOT mag or cal deficny because it has all that in it.


Well-Known Member
Ibet if u flush flush flush. then wait a watering or 2 to add nutes. maby that would do it. Or maybe u have some sort of pests. that would also make ur plants look like that. maybe soil bugs.


This is my other baby both are white widow and I think they have same problem.Here some pics.

I am agree with this is not any definicy. It may chemical burn or heat stress but I dont know which is.

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
I still think your problem may be with the PH
While Nitrogen and Potassium run close to parallel in PH availability, if the PH goes to high (too much fertilizer in your case) then this locks out the Manganese a fair bit which interferes with your Potassium intake.
The leaves don't go yellow, so you automatically don't assume you have a Nitrogen deficiency.
Sometimes it's the trace minerals that are responsible for issues.
Here.... take a look ;)

Chlorinated water was another possible, but I assume you fairly good water?

Cheers Jimmy.


Well-Known Member
I had the exact same problem. The guy that said heat stress was right. However, your lights might not be hot, but if your humidity is too low then they will still heat stress on you.

BUT also... I'll bet you're not getting them and fresh, outside air. They need some more Co2.

Anyway, read up on VPD (vapour pressure deficiency) and you'll see. Seriously... I went through two grows suffering this and fn around with pH and deficiency stuff when finally guy helped me solve my problem... with a humidifier and a muffin fan to bring in fresh air. It was that simple.


I still think your problem may be with the PH
While Nitrogen and Potassium run close to parallel in PH availability, if the PH goes to high (too much fertilizer in your case) then this locks out the Manganese a fair bit which interferes with your Potassium intake.
The leaves don't go yellow, so you automatically don't assume you have a Nitrogen deficiency.
Sometimes it's the trace minerals that are responsible for issues.
Here.... take a look ;)

Chlorinated water was another possible, but I assume you fairly good water?

Cheers Jimmy.
My water PH is 6.8. by the way sensi grow a+b are ph perfect dont think it is about deficiency or ph.
I had the exact same problem. The guy that said heat stress was right. However, your lights might not be hot, but if your humidity is too low then they will still heat stress on you.

BUT also... I'll bet you're not getting them and fresh, outside air. They need some more Co2.

Anyway, read up on VPD (vapour pressure deficiency) and you'll see. Seriously... I went through two grows suffering this and fn around with pH and deficiency stuff when finally guy helped me solve my problem... with a humidifier and a muffin fan to bring in fresh air. It was that simple.
Your plants look like mines? and can u see 3rd pic leaves of middle part of plant are very small and curlly. And I dont have low huminidy its about %60.


Well-Known Member
Ya... my plants looked like yours. Your humidity is good. Has it always been that way? What about the fresh air intake?


Well-Known Member
Jimmy: I was thinking along your lines, but then... wouldn't the symptoms show all over the plant and not just the top of it?


There is no fresh air intake cuz my Lighting cycle 24/0.I think it doesnt need I right? Genarally top leaves going yellow ,middle leaves curl. there are brown points on bottom leaves but max 2 leaves have it.


Well-Known Member
Day 96 flow 55 burned one.jpg

This is what a girl looks like when she doesn't get enough Co2 in 4 weeks of veg and 9.5 weeks of flower. I pulled an ounce of her. She was NOT stripped or trimmed in any way. The leaves just turned yellow, dried up and fell off. You have to get fresh air to your girls.

Jus sayin... ;)

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
Jimmy: I was thinking along your lines, but then... wouldn't the symptoms show all over the plant and not just the top of it?
Ohh... I didn't realise there was no fresh air exchange @_@
Stale air can do some head scratching things to plants, Ive seen that on forums and in real life.... fresh air is a must

Also, do you use RO, distilled or tap water?

Cheers Jimmy.


Well-Known Member
I changed lights to hps from cfls
And at 28 deg you burnt/bleached them. The room may be the same temp but the light intensity is much stronger and plants stress with the change. Next time have the light higher and start the plant in the corner of room not directly under the light.


Well-Known Member
There is only a leave looks like second pic.Unfortunately I dont have ph meter for soil. It is out of stock in shop.

Thanks for advice. Now I have some bloom nutes Big Bud, Bud Candy And Sensi Bloom A+B. I am going to search these products which have more potassium. But I think a little bit sensi bloom solve my problem. I am going to tell result when I do.

Lots of HVAC stores sell ph pens... like FW webb. They use ph testers to check the acidity of condensate from high efficiency furnaces/boilers


Well-Known Member
Fulvic acid helps increase the metabolism of a plant and is useful in that the nut burn threshold increases...the plants become tougher. Silica helps plants tolerate heat stress. By and large, people use to much nutrients. I definitely did,more food more flowers....seemed logical to me. Lockout, nutrient burn, and heat stress are so much harder to fix than any deficiencies. Raise the light immediately, mist them off with distilled water when the lights go off a couple times a night a night and cut down your ppms by 25 percent for the next feeding and 50 % on the following one. That is all.


Fulvic acid helps increase the metabolism of a plant and is useful in that the nut burn threshold increases...the plants become tougher. Silica helps plants tolerate heat stress. By and large, people use to much nutrients. I definitely did,more food more flowers....seemed logical to me. Lockout, nutrient burn, and heat stress are so much harder to fix than any deficiencies. Raise the light immediately, mist them off with distilled water when the lights go off a couple times a night a night and cut down your ppms by 25 percent for the next feeding and 50 % on the following one. That is all.
Thank for enlightenment. Should I turn off light now ? cuz I am still in veg phase 24/0. they have 5 more days for flovering light cycle. And you say first feeding 3/4 strength second feeding 2/4 strength isn't it?

Thanks everybody for helping my babies. I am going to post result and pic a weeks later.


Well-Known Member
Maybe just go to 16/8 veg cycle for a little while and get your girls healthy before flipping to flower. Seriously, the healthier the girls are before bloom the more they will yield.